HELP my duck doesnt eat


May 10, 2024
They think he had a tia.
Now hé drinks alot and doesnt eat. he is very slow and stands still alot. it happened 3 days ago. Hé had puked but today and yesterday not.
Hé has medicine for the nausiau.

Sorry for the very bad english.
do you mean a small stroke?
how old is the duck?
what are you feeding him?
if you can please post your video on youtube, then post the link to it here
do you mean a small stroke?
how old is the duck?
what are you feeding him?
if you can please post your video on youtube, then post the link to it here
I dont know how long it was i came home and saw him like in the video (i will put the video on youtube)
He is 2 years old
he gets complete food pellets.
Video will be there in a minute
i will tag a few others to help here @Miss Lydia @ruthhope @Luv Ducks
how long since he hasn’t eaten, you might have to try tube feeding but first I think I would try making a bowl of mash which is just adding some warm water to his feed to make it soft and wet like mushy. It may be easier for him to eat that way, perhaps he is afraid he might choke on the dry food. I know that humans who have strokes have trouble swallowing sometimes. Any mash he does not eat must be thrown away after three hours of sitting out it gets bacteria quickly.
i will tag a few others to help here @Miss Lydia @ruthhope @Luv Ducks
how long since he hasn’t eaten, you might have to try tube feeding but first I think I would try making a bowl of mash which is just adding some warm water to his feed to make it soft and wet like mushy. It may be easier for him to eat that way, perhaps he is afraid he might choke on the dry food. I know that humans who have strokes have trouble swallowing sometimes. Any mash he does not eat must be thrown away after three hours of sitting out it gets bacteria quickly.
It does look like he had difficulity swallowing i have caught flies for him which he did eat just now and a very small amount of broken dried worms.
I will try the mash but im kinda scared he might get afraid of water That way.
I think a watery soup made of his feed is a good idea he can drink it instead of eating ( soupy) since he’s drinking. I don’t know about a stroke it could be possible I’ve never heard of a duck having one. Also if you can get by some B Complex Vitamins to add to his drinking water or soup he may even have a niacin deficiency here in the US we can get a liquid BComplex in some feed stores are you in the US?
The poor duck is having neurological episodes, I haven't seen anything like that before. As others have suggested, give him liquid food until he is eating normally. Dissolve his pellets in warm water until it is very runny, not stiff porridge. Additional vitamins won't harm. Keep him calm in a quiet environment, undisturbed by other ducks until he shows signs of wanting to be with others..

Sometimes we never find out what causes health issues. Is it possible to take him to a vet?
Could he have possibly gotten ahold of something that he ate that he was not supposed to. Any type of poison around for possibly mice or insects. That would possibly make him act that way. If so you cold try to get activated charcoal in his water to dilute the poison. I pray that he gets better soon.

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