Help my duck hatched ducks and one is hurt

I'm so glad momma accepted Lil guy back! If they have a duck starter/grower feed in your area get that. If not a chick starter/grower that is not medicated. The one I use is 18% protein because that's what is available. Some places have a 20-22% protein starter. Also, ducklings on chick starter need extra niacin added in form of Brewers or nutritional yeast. Not sure if that applies to ducklings that are brooded by the mom as she will teach them what to eat while foraging and once they are out and about eating bugs n such they no longer need extra niacin. After about 6 weeks they can go on what mom eats as long as it's not a layer feed. As the added calcium in layer feeds is not good for them until laying age. Momma duck can eat the starter too so you don't have to be stressed about that. What do you have mom on now feed wise?
I had her on layer feed until recently but I have run out my store has both 18 and 22 so either one would be fine? Can I just put the drops in their food? Their extra niacin
I'm not familiar with drops. I know you can use drugstore niacin as long as it is flush free and add to gallon of water. Just make sure not too much. The dosage is 100mg to 150mg. I would stay on low side to be safe with drugstore stuff. Yes, the 18 or 20 protein is fine. Most all flock is 20-22% range but my feed store only has lower protein all flock which is why I don't use it. The starter/grower has all the needed vitamins and nutrients for growth and higher protein too. I switch chicken and duck mom's to it as soon as babies hatch. It would be next to impossible for me to keep separate food for my brooder and babies...they would rob one another's
Mom will not be laying while caring for her babies so extra calcium in layer feed isn't necessary. You can leave out free choice(separate from food) oyster shell or washed cooked egg shell if extra calcium is needed for anyone else and they will eat it as needed
Mom will not be laying while caring for her babies so extra calcium in layer feed isn't necessary. You can leave out free choice(separate from food) oyster shell or washed cooked egg shell if extra calcium is needed for anyone else and they will eat it as needed
Thank you so much my first time Pekín mom has four duckling and is doing amazing noe

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