HELP! My duck may have impacted crop!

She does and such a cutie. will you please give a run down on all you've done so far. sounds like she may be getting the gob what ever it may have been out of her system.

Yes, I think the biggest thing was that she needed grit, and my fault for not getting it right away as the feed mill suggested I don't need any. So the first few days I'd give her a bit of olive oil and massage her crop. Then I got the grit which she ate a whole plate full right away. Then I was giving her a bit of yogurt in her food and ACV in her water. I've noticed that her crop does fill up when she eats and drinks but significantly reduces in size after 10-20 min after she stops eating or drinking, where as before it would last a very long time. So her digestion seems to work better now. She ate a lot of her straw bedding just for fun so I eliminated most of it and just left the hay. I control the portion by taking the food away mid day for a few hours. I did speak to a vet but because they weren't poultry specific they didn't know and were ready to give me some poultry worming medicine any time I wished. I didn't take any at the moment as she was looking much better.
Forgot to add, I took the grains away from her food and just left the pellets which are easier to digest
Good job and this will help others when seeing something like this in one of their own. So happy for her and you that she is doing so much better.

Thanks for sharing. This will be in my book marks for reference.

Only thing that concerns me is taking her food away I can see doing it for the time she was her worst but I'd keep feed out during daylight hrs so she doesn't gorge on the hay, that can cause problems too. and put grit in a bowl separate from their feed.

Keep us updated.
If your like most of us that don't have a vet that will look at poultry then we have to start by elimination worming won't hurt. Add the ACV to her drinking water and along with the grit hopefully if straw is compacted in there this will get it moving out, How does her poop look is it mainly water? You can take poop up to a vet for a fecal they can tell you if she has internal parasites. I can tell you when my hen[chicken] had impaction from eating hay she ate alot [feed]but was skin and bones how does your duck feel can you feel her breast bone does it stick out?
It's great when you have a vet that will see our poultry but it must be pretty rare to find one.
If their poop is mostly water and my duck appears to be swollen what does this mean? My ducks cheeks look swollen, she’s been acting lethargic and her crop appears larger. I’m getting nervous. She’s acting better today in comparison to yesterday but I’m trying not to freak out.
If their poop is mostly water and my duck appears to be swollen what does this mean? My ducks cheeks look swollen, she’s been acting lethargic and her crop appears larger. I’m getting nervous. She’s acting better today in comparison to yesterday but I’m trying not to freak out.
This is a really old thread, you might have a better response if you start your own thread. Post pictures if you can, I'm sure she's fine.

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