help my duck

Could be from the male (if you have one) mounting her too much. They also could be picking on one another. Have you checked for mites or lice?
yeah they had three ducks and some chickens they where giving the ducks away and we took the last two the other one found a home I don't know its gender and then I feed them greens usually swiss chard it's there favorite they also have hay as a nest they eat that sometimes
daisy has been laying an egg day and that together got us like five eggs whereas daffy laid an egg double yolk and then like a week later another double and then the other day another double and today a normal egg we finally found a vet for her and she goes on Monday I wish we didn't have to separate them cause daisy will be home alone for maby an hour without daffy and daffy will be at the scary vet without her sis i hope all goes well

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