Help! My eggs got wet :(


7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Pope County, Arkansas
This is the first time I have had a broody hen so I let her sit on some eggs. They are at day 17. I had the broody in a plastic box with shavings in it under our four wheeler with a tarp on it. This has kept the eggs dry in past storms, but today we had a real toad strangler. I was away for about 3 hours since it started raining. The rain stopped pretty quick but when I got home and checked on the eggs first thing I saw that the box and shavings were saturated with water! The eggs were standing in it and had been for a few hours. I immediately dried the eggs off and replaced the shavings. I even towel dried my poor, dedicated wet broody. She was still sitting in the slop keeping her eggs warm. Do you think my eggs will be okay?? They all had developing chicks in them yesterday
I know nothing, so I can't tell you anything from experience, but... The first night I put my eggs in the incubator, the temps jumped up to 108 degrees for some reason. I don't know how long the temp was that high - I woke up and that's where it was. This was after 2 days of messing with the thing to make sure I had everything right. Anyhow, I just KNEW that it killed off any fertile eggs (I put 12 eggs in). Well, tonight I just put my 11 eggs that all have developing embryos in them (#12 wasn't fertile) into lockdown. Have faith, hun. I think the eggs will be just fine.
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I just did! They are okay!!! I can't believe it. I saw some real good movement in 4 of the 8 and I think I saw the blood veins pulsing a little in 3 others. I am so relieved. Just a few more days and we will have fluffy butts!
WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! I read this post and saw that you still have babies! I am SOOOOOOO GLAD that the eggs are ok! Keep us updated!
Well these poor eggs seem destined not to make it. When I left this morning she was off the nest so I just figured she was eating. When I got back hours later, she was still off the nest and the eggs were stone cold! They were supposed to hatch tomorrow and Friday! I can't believe it. She just randomly decided to be not broody anymore. I put the eggs under a brooder light in my office in hopes that by some miracle they will warm back up and hatch, but I really think they have to be dead now. I am so disappointed.

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