help...My guinea bit his wifes toe!


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
Western Pa
I've seen my male bite the females toes twice. She spent the entire day lying in the shade (unusual for them) and he just bit it again! She is limping horribly and stands with her one foot tucked up. They are really hard to catch so I can't see if there is significant damage. Why would he do that? What should I do?
First thing, move him OUT, bugger. That is domestic assault..seriously, wait until they go to bed, sneak in and snatch him. You may need to bag him, but he does need to get out for a while, that could be health issues for the girls. Also, while they are asleep, grab the hens and check them out...if you can do that with guineas. This is what I'd do for any critter acting up that way.

Good luck!
Thanks. that's what my plan was but I didn't know if guineas roost the same as chickens (that u can just grab em!) It almost looks as if her toe is broken and is pushed over to the others! I'm gunna get him out today-I just have to find something to catch him with
Thanks! Thats what my plan was but I didn;t know if u could grab guineas the same as chickens (while roosting). It almost looks as if her toes are broken, one is pushed next to the other instead of spread apart! I have to catch him TODAY and get him out, she can't even stand!
Well good news thats bad news!
I let the guineas out early this morning 4:45ish (leaving for a horse show). The male got eaten by the neighbor's barn cat!!! Now I have a lonely no toed female! No keets coming till the 29th. Should I try to find her another mate in the meantime? Ugh guineas are driving me nuts!
No, wait til you get the keets. It will give her time to heal. A new male may just harass her at first which you don't need with her sore toe.

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