****HELP my hens are dying***


Jul 18, 2016
I first noticed my Rhode Island Red acting strange and making weird gargling type of noises. She would isolate her self from the other hens and would just lay down and sleep all day. We noticed she wasn't drinking or eating so we gave her scrambled eggs and yogurt but would not eat anything. We then put oregano and water in a syringe and gave her water that way. 2 days of doing that she slowly was getting better and back to her normal self. Few days ago we noticed the rest of our flock breathing weird and making that same noise. They were very lethargic and would not leave their coop or drink or even eat. So we treated them same way and also got antibiotic for them to help treat them, but they were getting worse. They had runny green diarrhea and would bob their heads out gasping for air and making the gargling noises. We tried everything for them, but we lost them both over the weekend.

Our one Nike is till hanging in there, she is not making any noises or doesn't seem to have trouble breathing, but will not move from one spot and seems very weak. When she walks her wings are out and low to the ground. She will not eat or drink and we have tried everything liquefying their food, watermelon, yogurt, eggs, nothing is enticing to her. We are giving her electrolytes and the antibiotic still. Can someone help us save Nike?

Also our Rhode Island Red seems fine she, should we keep her isolated from other one until Nike is better, they seem very depressed being along.

Welcome to BYC. It sounds like you have a pretty serious respiratory disease going through your flock. How are your coop conditions as far as air circulation, too much hot air, wet or mold, high ammonia levels from droppings, or dusty conditions? Mycoplasma (MG,) coryza, infectious bronchitis, aspergillosis, and ILT are some of the common diseases. many of them have similar symptoms. Tylan and oxytetracycline are some of the antibiotics which can treat the bacterial diseases, but the viral or fungal diseases won't respond. If you lose Nike, I would get a necropsy done through your state vet or local poultry lab to find out what disease they had. Here is a good list of those and other diseases, symptoms, and treatments:
Thanks Eggcessive, I cleaned out their entire coop and run, I just ordered Oxine AH for their coop and run, so I am hoping that will help, I am sure they have a fungal of some sort, I have been giving them electrolytes, apple sauce, and oil of oregano daily. They are still not eating or drinking on their own. For fungal what are the best treatments and preventions, also how much oil of oregano should I be giving my chickens daily?



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