Help! My hens Arn't Laying....


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 11, 2012

I have chickens that are 2 years old and some one year olds....Through out the whole winter they didn't lay much eggs. Now, that the weather is in the 80's, they arn't laying ANYTHING. I change their water, feed them and keep their coop clean....They also are cage free.
Any Ideas' why they arn't laying eggs???
I had a gentleman tell me to start putting red pepper flakes in with the chicken feed and it will help make them start laying, a friend of mine who has some older hens started giving it to his and they started laying again. It helped get some of my pullets to start laying also.
Free range? Are they hiding them from you?

No there is no way they can.....they always lay in their nests inside there coops....

I also looked at the link , it could be that they have bugs bugging them but i've had chickens for a longtime now and everything was fine till now.....hmmm...
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