help my injured baby pet chick

BTW, I had a parakeet when I was a kid and we allowed him to fly loose in the house. One day someone closed the door on his foot (he liked to perch atop the doors). He held his foot up under him like that for a few days as I recall.
I would say wait it out. Don't handle him too much or too roughly. Give it time to heal.

My fiance worked on a farm that had 600 chickens and one day while he was feeding he accidentally stepped on one's foot. He felt so terrible because for about a week the bird couldn't come out with the rest to eat so he would bring food to it in the house. The foot was definitely broken and cold to the touch. Then, he thought the chicken had died and someone had gotten rid of it because he went to look for it in the house and it was gone. A couple days later he noticed a bird hopping as quickly as it could toward the outside feeders. It was his bird! He was so excited! But then a few weeks after that he couldn't even find the bird anymore. It had gotten so good at using its dead little foot that it was indistinguishable from the rest of the flock.

So, I guess that's a little story to say, just hang in there.
As far as I can see it's just black & blue with little bruises where the blood was, his 'toes' curled up (don't know why but seem dead!!!!!!!) but other than that I think he's fine. My real concern is that the sawdust will infect it even though it's clean. He hops around for food & drink on the good foot, he can handle that on his own for now as I can recall. I have tried to make him the most comfortable home ever & won't let anyone touch him when around. I'm just praying he's fine in no time.
Just wanted to correct: Medicated chick starter is a misnomer. The "medication" isn't antibiotics at all, it's actually Amprolium which is a Thiamine inhibitor. Cocci thrive on Thiamine and Ampro blocks the absorption of it by the chick so the Cocci aren't able to get any.

If your bird needs to be on antibiotics, take it to an avian vet and stop all the guess work. You can ask as many questions as you like but the bird will heal how and when it heals, in it's own time.

I'm just very sorry for your bird that it was even put in a situation where it could get run over. If someone means that much to you, protecting it's well-being should be your main priority.
"his 'toes' curled up (don't know why but seem dead!!!!!!!)" No, it's natural for him to curl his toes up when staying off it. No, he's keep it close and he's keeping it curled because it hurts. I've seen birds do that even when it doesn't hurt, they rest one leg and stand on the other, toes curled. Hang in there.
I NEVER meant to harm him & it was just an accident... we did not even notice he managed to come out. Animals are all my main priority just for you to know. Accidents happen to ANYONE at ANYTIME.
Took him to the vet today & he said he's bruised, will be back to norma lup & running in 2 wks time approx. Getting naughty already today even on one foot hehe
The only thing that is worrying me is that he has a tiny patch between the 'toes' that turned green. Is it just the bruise or is it something else???? The bruise is just 2 days old.

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