HELP!!!! My RIR's have equal amounts of female and male traits! Please help me find out if my RIR's

Why do you think that the more feathered out one is a roo? It is much lighter, smaller comb, calmer dispostion etc. I realize it does have the small curved tail feathers and a darker color but what tells everybody that it is a roo? I really want to find out how to sex.

It's the feathering that has me guessing roo.

Roos are almost always the nicer ones at first. Calmer disposition means nothing. Girls are usually skittish until they come into lay. Not all are, but most of mine have been that way. Once the males mature a bit more, they are skittish where the hens used to be.
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I don't have RIR, but based on the roos I have, the tail feathers are darker, and longer..... Some people can look at the shape of the feathers on the back (saddle) and make the call - I can't do that.

Look at the combs on your birds. Looking straight down on top of the head, the comb of the cockerel is wider than a pullet.

Hope this helps!
They look exactly like my production red roosters at that age and size! My pullets have a lot smaller combs than the boys. Good luck and hope I am wrong!

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