I started with 6 chicks in March.. 4 were killed when they were young by predators and before a proper coop. So, its been just 1 hen and 1 rooster for many months. She's been laying and they have been a happy little couple. He was pretty aggresive and I believed he had been keeping any smaller predators at bay. Tonight the hen was at my back door making all kinds of noise. Which at 10 oclock at night is very unusual for her to be out of the coop or at the back door. Anyways, the rooster was no where to be found. Even odder she never lets me hold her and she was more than happy for me to carry her around while I looked for Chicken Nugget.. Something got in the coop and got the egg she laid today and there are definitely rooster feathers. I didn't notice any blood. Everything is closed up and tight now. I'm at a loss as to what happened or what to do. I'm down to one hen. I feel so bad for her. Will she be ok alone?