Help my rooster wont stop attacking me and wont back down

Should I get rid of him and start with a new rooster / male chick next year ?

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He has even attacked me when I walk from the garden to house stables / chicken run / chicken house (the chicken run and chicken house backs on the the back of the horse stables) and the hens follow me looking for food.

He got no spurs yet, so he attack with his beak and go for the back of the leg.
Lots of different opinions here.
My self I went from tame him to don't want anyone hurt. Back and forth with Cull to Don't Cull.
I believe it has to be up to the individual.
What you feel is best. We all can say Tame,Tame, him but in the end he may be nice to you but Flog the wrong person.
So I feel its up to you to decide what you feel you can handle or deal with.
Personally from experience that Rooster feels threatened by you. Roosters fight for territory over Hens. Rooster don't HATE people and Flog them because of it. They are aggressive to keep their flock safe. SO.. That means the Roosters View of you needs to be changed.
Which can be changed. I feed treats.
When any of my Roosters start to show signs of aggression I immediately grab meal worms,or another fav treat. I stand in middle of Flock and hand feed the Rooster And his Top hen.
It tends to work in my experiences
My young new rooster that I hatched last year has started to attack my legs from the back and front. I've try to scary him by run with my arms waving in the air and shouting. Also used a stick, but he will not back down. He was not handled as a chick and should be shy, but seem to be too friendly, as he does not run away when he see anyone from my family.

What should I do ?
When i started raising chickens years ago i had your problem. I started carrying a fillable squirt bottle with water and two drops eucalyptus oil. Spray him when he attacks so he does not register your hands or feet as the enemy. Took two weeks.
Thank you to everyone that has posted on this topic, I found the info very useful. I have shown my the this topic and she read the first page and then gave up reading, say that my rooster is not bad. well it does not attack her or anyone else yet, part from my brother, me and one of my family's dogs.

Okay update

It winter now and my rooster is still attacking me, normal its when the hens follow me looking for food. My brother let them all out yesterday and did not feed them, so I had to go out to feed then and after I had put the food on the ground for them to find, the some of the hens seen me and came over to me looking for food. Then after two of my hens started following me the hole flock started following looking for food. Then the rooster started to try to attack my legs, I blocked him with a branch.

He started to attack one of my family's dogs. She is a black Labrador and she tried rounding up the hens (she tried to round up my mum's horses sometimes) and she when up to the largest chicken, which end up being the my rooster and it did not end well for she, as he attacked she. Now every time she gets to close to the hens, he go for she. I have started to lock the chicken run when I get the eggs out. my family's black Labrador was waiting out side of the chicken run for me to come out, when the rooster came back over and started to attack her and get her pinned behind a chicken fence, with his attacks. She started to wimping and barking and pain at my rooster as he attacked her and my other family's dog came over to kill my rooster, but did not know what to do. I said to my mum about him attacking her and my mum just thought it was funny, which is probably why he has not gone yet. She thick of him like a small dog.

Oh and he does sometime attack me then he's near me or if I am walking past near to him. Water from the hose seems to work to get the chicken to run away from me.
Sooo sorry because you don't want to hear this...I did everything to keep my "attack rooster", isolating him, bringing treats, talking to him. In the end he just got worse. He started out as a beautiful, friendly fellow, but one day it all changed. Only went after me! He would see me coming and wait at the gate to flap those wings and fly at my head. I am sure he felt he was doing a good job of protecting his girls, but after a gash across my forehead, he got his last warning. When he left it was so calm and nice to go out to feed and care for the flock.
Sooo sorry because you don't want to hear this...

No I agree with you and with all of the other posts too.

I did everything to keep my "attack rooster", isolating him, bringing treats, talking to him. In the end he just got worse. He started out as a beautiful, friendly fellow, but one day it all changed. Only went after me! He would see me coming and wait at the gate to flap those wings and fly at my head. I am sure he felt he was doing a good job of protecting his girls, but after a gash across my forehead, he got his last warning. When he left it was so calm and nice to go out to feed and care for the flock.

Thanks for the info
My 7 month old cockerel suddenly became a feisty guy a few months ago. I worked on chasing him into a corner and not letting him go until he stayed still, picking him up when he became mean...I would never hurt him or be mean to him, just showing him who is boss. Be patient, it might take a while. He'll still get his moments but now for the most part he knows I'm in charge. Even if he isn't being aggressive at a certain moment, I sometimes follow him around to keep him moving. If he gets into an attacking mode, I'll hold out my boot and let him attack it all he wants. I can't feel anything and once he learns I won't back down he's back in his place. He'll still attack little kids but he's getting a lot better. Be patient with your roo and he'll learn eventually!

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