Help!....My son wants a dog!

When you have mulitple dogs, (any animal) they will work out their pecking order from time to time for the rest of their lives, with the breeds you have let them work it out on their own. It's okay for the older dog to let the younger dog know when they've crossed the line and If you interfere the older dog will get even more frustrated with the younger one. "Crate and rotate" seems to put off the process and makes it more intense, with dogs bread to kill this may be nescessary so they don't get injured. One may get loud or snappy, one may put a paw on the other and put them down and bark in their face, but they will work it out. Send them outside and let it happen, they will work it out and then be they can be happy.

Your family should always be Alpha to all animals, pups should be willing to lay on their back and allow you to rub thier belly, in dog language that is an act of submission, if they won't do this hold them on their back until you can feel them stop resisiting. Also, if there are any signs of aggressive behavior in the pup, don't play tug a war with any toys or anything, because in dog language tug a war means the pup/dog has permission to assert dominance over his or her master.

Cute pup, looks like it's already bigger than an adult Jack Russell. The boy looks like he's happy, that's priceless!! You are doing a great job Mom, hang in there!
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darling boy with his precious puppy --- you are most definitely off to a great start ---
I predict this will be one of those 'once-in-a-lifetime' dogs who steal your hearts ----

and what a super way to help your son learn compassion and 'structure' --- kudos to all of you --- :)
Thank You for the kind words Kansas Prairie and Verity! It gives me encouragement. The pup does lay back and show her belly, so I feel good about that. So far my Weim has let the pup get away with everything! From eating out of her food dish to taking a chew from her. It kind of suprised me...I did not think Bella would be aggressive but I did expect she would lay down the law. So far she has not. I am kindof hoping Bella will get more assertive and hold her position as she is a WONDERFUL dog! I am hoping the pup turns into a "once of a lifetime dog" , I have to say though that wouldn't be fair as I have already gotten 2 dogs in my lifetime, from which I compare all others.
Lucky Me!
One was a pound dog that we got when we first got married, she had a wonderful 12 years with us. The other is our current dog Bella who has stolen my heart when I did not think had any heart left to steal. I learned a valuable lesson...there is ALWAYS room to love again! Dogs are great teachers if we let them.
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Had a question Kansas Prairie.....IF the pup goes after my Weim (Bella) and Bella runs from her should I correct the pup? Or if the pup growls at Bella should I say no and correct her? Or let them be?
if the pup gets pushy, redirect her to something else. If she won't calm down, you can put her in her crate for a while. Think of it as if you are putting an over-excited toddler down for a nap - it's not a punishment just a much needed rest.
She hasn't had any outbursts like I described before. But the pup was laying on the floor to the left of my chair I was sitting in and Bella came over to lay by my feet as she always does, and Miley (the pup) growled. I said NO to her...not sure if I should have done that... I just don't want the pup to claim me and make Bella stay away from me. Kinda seems not fair.
I would not allow the pup to get the best of Bella...she is your dog and deserves to keep her place as such. Sorry that I haven't had a chance to return your PM...I will, I promise, when things settle down around here.

The puppy is supposed to be your son's, yet, she is claiming you. When she does those kinds of things, I would push her aside and bring Bella in as top dog. If the pup resists, it would be in the crate with her.

As I've said, I raise and train akitas. I have one male akita that is a marshmellow...yet, the others will attack him every chance they get. He doesn't instigate the fights and doesn't fight back except to save his hide. So far, my vet bills are in the thousands to put Seger back together. The first fight was an accident, the second, the female that was raised with him, turned on him...for no, I have to keep everyone separated for their own safety. A strict code of who comes and goes is followed rigidly. I guess my point is, Bella wouldn't have to fight...she could be attacked...yes, the dogs will 'fight' it out..but, that doesn't mean that you can't try and inforce who is top dog where you are concerned.
Thank you for the info. I am glad I did the right thing...My instant reaction was to correct her, next time I am going to add to the correction and put her in her kennel as you have suggested.
I do not interfere in interactions beween adult dogs and puppies unless there appears to be imminent danger of physical harm to an individual. Adult dogs will make incredibly threatening noises and gestures towards annoying puppies but rarely will they injure them. These interaction are educational and important to puppies. MOst adults will tolerate almost anything from a puppy until they are near 4 mos of age, at which time what we call the "puppy passport" comes to an end. At this age, puppies are expected to demonstrate respect and to begin to interact with adult dogs on a normal basis. You sometimes see a lot of growling, body slamming, muzzle grabbing with growling, etc, by adults as they impress on these imupdent puppies exactly where their place is in the hierarchy. Again, I do not interfere unless injury is happening.

JMO as always....
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