Help! My wife is mad at me for feeding the chickens pizza!

Would you feed your chickens pizza?

  • Never

    Votes: 162 39.8%
  • A little bit at a time, but very infrequently

    Votes: 112 27.5%
  • A little bit at a time, whenever we have it

    Votes: 100 24.6%
  • All the pizza all the time

    Votes: 33 8.1%

  • Total voters
Mine get almost anything including pizza. But no raw onions, citrus, uncooked beans, uncooked potato skins, and anything moldy. Plus there's a few more no go foods not allowed. I have about 50 chickens, 14 ducks and 4 guineas that share the treats. Moderation is the key and I don't give treats in the first half of the day so they fill up on layer pellets first, they get treats only a few hours before roost time.

My ducks and a few of my chickens.
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Oh, and their guard dogs next door.
Wow, don't their little feets get cold? :confused: 🥶
I’ve never given my chickens pizza, but they do get treats everyday!! We have treat time, and they all run to see their Momma. My treats are apples, lettuce, squash and every once in awhile, bread!! They are girls, girls love bread!!!!!! They are still giving me at least 14 eggs a day, and there are only 19 of them!!! Pretty good for winter time! We do have a cozy coop, and a night light!! They are extremely spoiled! But i just really love them!!!!! ❤️ 🐓
Of course it's OK for the girls to have food scraps. Pizza they love particularly.

We used to feed our chickens and ducks almost exclusively from Pizza restaurant scraps we picked up weekly.
I've never SEEN them lay so well before or since!

Pizza is bread you know, add in a bit of bacon cheese and other proteins and it's perfect for chickens.

Theoretically I guess layer pellets or other premade chicken feed 'should' contain far more certain balance of vitamins etc. Most of the time we offered them a small daily handful of pellets too ... but they often refused them in preference to the pizza.

But, I would swap back to pizza scraps in an instant. Layer pellets alone are simply not keeping the girls as glossy, plump nor laying so well as when we were on at least 50% pizza scraps in their diet.
Now, "That's Italian"! :gig
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They’ll be fine. Mine get whatever food scraps our dogs don’t want all the time....including chicken. And don’t poo poo me on that. Remember that they are just small, feathery, dinosaurs with probably below average dino intelligence. And I’ve seen Jurassic Park, they are each other back in the day and if they were a little bit bigger they would definitely try and eat you.
That's disturbing!:eek:
In addition to fermented feed (layer crumbles, scratch and BOSS), our chickens get pretty much any leftovers we have but it's usually not more than half a plate full of whatever it is and it ends up being split up amongst 35 birds. I don't give them anything citrus but most everything else gets tossed into the yard for them to fight over. For instance, they got our breakfast leftovers today which consisted of pancakes, banana slices, eggs, hash browns, bacon and a shredded flour tortilla. My birds free range over approx. 3 acres and are happy and healthy and my customers rave over their eggs. For me that's a win-win.
In the wild animals eat fermented fruit thats fallen from trees all the time. They seem to be really attracted to it and get quite tipsy! Lol. You can watch youtube videos of drunk squirrels and deer it's hilarious
Along the Interstate by the house there were red berries ( I forget what kind) and at a certain time every year, red winged blackbirds would swarm to them to eat the overripe fruit. Then they would fly/ flop/ stagger on to I-10 and make a mess of the road, the cars and themselves.
I think City Hall got tired of cleaning up and cut the bushes.😿

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