HELP! Need help telling the difference between Buff Orpington chicks and Red Ranger chicks...Tracto

Unfortunately most of those look a lot like my rangers, especially the ones that are getting coloration on their wing feathers. They're quite a bit yellower than my rangers on average though, too. So I'm not sure, though that could be a hatchery difference in the coloration since rangers are not exactly bred for conformation. Your tractor supply definitely needs to know this is a problem though! I mean, mine usually does "assorted reds" but they're usually assorted sex links and RIR/New Hampshire, all of which are good layers. Broilers should never be mixed with breeds like buffs!
I sure do hope TSC will handle this well....My whole experience has been a bit, well very unprofessional. I would expect more from such an established business...I am going to just contact the manager of my local store, and if that doesnt work, I will keep working my way up the ladder until I get this handled....Anyone elses input would be greatly appreciated, but I think at least half my flock is RR and not BO....grrrrr...
Yeah, definitely go up the ladder if you need to. My local store has always had great, knowledgeable staff, so it's not the way Tractor Supply does business everywhere and I'm sure corporate won't be happy to hear about it.
When we decided to buy our babies we went to TSC and we didn't like the looks the chicks. They don't have any idea what breed they are, to be fair we didn't know what we wanted except hubby wanted Rhode Island Reds, when they are getting them in, or how old they are. We do know that they make you buy 6 at a time.

We ended up going out to a local feed store, they have grown over the past 30 years to 5 stores in this county, and they had them all in separate bins, all looked more healthy and just got them in that morning. I don't know if they had required number to buy as they just asked us how many we wanted and we ended buying 7. They were extremely helpful getting us started with everything.

We have been back in TSC for a few odds 'n ends and everytime I see someone looking at the chicks I make it a point to tell them the babies are a lot better looking down at Olsen's ;)

I need to get on my laptop and post some pictures of ours and their coop. This site doesn't like my iPad much.

Well PROBLEM SOLVED! I figured out which ones are RR and TSC is totally on my side....The manager is handling this great...better than expected..I am keeping all current birds and when either BO or some Barred Rock pullets come in he is calling me right away and giving me my choice at no extra cost..So it looks like my flock is going to grow from 10 to 15 or so....No problem here. Got a few "meat" birds out of the deal.....Thanks everyone.
In the defense of TSC, well my local one anyway, their ducks and chicks seem to be very healthy...but I am new what do I know? We will see...Good day all!
I purchased chicks from TSC and they were advertised as Buff Orpington pullets, so I purchased 3 of them and a Black Australorp (the BA is a straight run). First time buying chickens for me, and the employee who helped me did not have me sign the book nor did he inform me I HAD to buy at least 6 at a time....So fast forward to the next day and I returned to purchase 3 more,and up until then I had only found out at the register the night before that I should have been told I had to purchase a minimum of 6 chicks, and this is where the real fun begins.. I find employee to box up some chicks for me and he looks at me crazy and says whoa, yo0u have to purchase at least 6 or none....Of course I explained the situation from the night before and he says that doesnt matter, today i have to purchase 6 at least or none, Gov. rules...And then he asked if I was in the book?!?! Another mistake the employee made the night before was he did not have me sign the book to say how many I bought and all of my info....So now I and the current employee are looking at eachother with a mutual confusion.......So then I say ok, I dont mind paying for someone elses mistake, why not..I said it laughingly. So I told him give me 6 Buffs, and then he says OOOOOH they are all mixed with the Red Ranger pullets...Of course now I am like ***? So I told him well in my opinion it would be best to pick out the lightest colored ones, just my own thinking. Long story short, sort of , I have 9 chics I am hoping are all Buffs,,Can anyone tell me how to tell the week old chicks apart? They are developing nice wing feather now and their little tail feathers are starting to come in.....I will post some pics shortly.....Please help...I do know the Rangers will grow faster...but I need to find out now to be able to return to TSC...they wont take back grown chickens....Thanks in advance...This is my first post , sorry its soo long...I like being detailed...

This is a BO at about 2 weeks old.

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