HELP!!! Need Pox Advice!!! Sooo many questions!!!

Murphey's Law,we were just commenting last week on how lucky we have been with our 30 birds and wham,I see black warts this morning on almost all of them.I live on a marsh creek in SC and the mosquitoes have been the worst I remember. Darn it!
This has been THE wettest Summer that I can ever remember and I currently have probably 30 turkeys and several chickens with the pox. THese are all of my this years hatch, the others had it last year and are immune to it this time. I have only ever lost two birds and that was this week. The big turkey had the wet version and he couldn't eat or drink for weeks and finally he had to be culled. His eyes swelled shut from the massive pox he had and he couldn't see to get around and was just pitiful. The small turkey was jsut covered in them too and didn't last but a couple days. Usually with the dry pox though there isn't much to worry about. And once they have it, they are immune to having them again. We don;t treat for pox, just keep an eye on them.
I'm terribly sorry for your losses, MandyH! And I sure hope your birds get through this ok, MissJames!

I guess I'm lucky; we appear to have a mild case. About half my flock of 23 has the black lesions but I've only had 2 birds with runny eyes. I think it would have been much worse had I not treated the 2 of them with the Tylan. Everyone seems fine now in spite of their polka dots! lol!

God bless! And thank you to everyone who provided support, encouragement and advice!
I live in the mosquito state capitol of Louisiana lol, and I'm very glad I found this info here on the pox. This is my first year raising chickens, and it looks like my babies have come down with the dry pox. Thanks to all your helpful information, I am less worried, and will hopfully be able to combat this virus. I have two new babies I hatched this past weekend. Should I order the vaccine for them? Thanks in advance, and good luck to everyone else dealing with this virus.
It's my first year raising chickens too, harleydar, but I am totally hooked! I just ordered 19 more! I already have 23!

My 2 girls with wet pox are doing amazingly well. They also have, along with half my flock, dry pox! has been a terrific resource. Perhaps they could give you advice on vaccinating your little ones. I'd like to know too since I am expecting babies of my own.

Welcome and good luck!
Hello, this is my first time posting; I hope I'm doing it right. My Marans roosters appear to have the Dry Pox. I've read many of the threads here and on other sites. I have not seen anything here about Oregano oil. There is a product that they use in the UK and China that is an Oregano oil feed supplement to discourage viruses and to promote growth in broilers. Is this available in the States? I work with tourists from all over the world every day doing body art so I'm often up close to snotty nosed kids ect..I have been using oil of Oregano personally for over four years and have not had a cold or flu ever since and I do not get flu vaccines. Oil of Oregano KILLS bacteria and viruses in the blood stream and topically. It has killed mouth infections (absested teeth) in 2 days as well as cold sores in 2-3 days. It is supposed to be esspecially good for sinus and broncial infections in humans.
I would like to try it on my chickens but am unsure of how to dose them and in what amount. I don't want to apply it directly to the pox because I know from my own experience with cold sores that it burns a bit but I'm sure that if I did it would work. Any Advice on this?
This is probably utterly redundant now, but 3 pullets developed dry pox all about the same time earlier this summer. My bantam had a hard time because she had HUGE lesions on her very small amount of facial was so sad! She didn't feel well for several days and had a runny eye, so all 3 got Duramycin in their water for 7 days to ward off any secondary infection possibility. Everyone recovered slowly but surely, and now you can't even see the scars on their faces, although my bantam's little comb is misshapen from one bad lesion.

Hope this helps reassure.

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