Help needed for mystery neurological situation...

Hi all, Just want to give you an update. We finally made it to the vet and she said it is Mareks without a doubt. One eye's iris is just a tad less orange and it doesn't react to light as quickly as the other eye (I hadn't thought to check that reaction, just the shape and color...)
She also thinks that she only has a couple of weeks left... unfortunately, we were planning on flying out of town...
So at this point, I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me what to expect... and if it really might be that quick and if there is anything I can to to make her more comfortable... until she dies or we decide it's best to euthanize her. She still has a very good appetite and gets around until she ends up on on her back and can't get up.... the odd thing is it comes and goes. Sometimes she can run and fly across the yard just fine and other times she can hardly stand up. Poor little girl...
Sorry that they feel it is Mareks. Do you have someone who could look after her while you are gone in case she gets down and cannot get up? Also to make sure she is near food and water? I would let her live as long as she is not suffering, and has an appetite. But if she can’t be cared for well while you are gone, I might go with euthanasia. Do you plan to get a necropsy to confirm Mareks and anything else she might have wrong? It is $20 in CA for a necropsy by the state vet. Here is a link for contacting the nearest of 4 labs: - CAHFS Necropsy Program January 2015.pdf
Sorry that they feel it is Mareks. Do you have someone who could look after her while you are gone in case she gets down and cannot get up? Also to make sure she is near food and water? I would let her live as long as she is not suffering, and has an appetite. But if she can’t be cared for well while you are gone, I might go with euthanasia. Do you plan to get a necropsy to confirm Mareks and anything else she might have wrong? It is $20 in CA for a necropsy by the state vet. Here is a link for contacting the nearest of 4 labs: - CAHFS Necropsy Program January 2015.pdf

Thanks - unfortunately, the people who might check in on her during the day are also out of town, for the holidays, so I need to ask the dogwalker who will be checking on them each morning and evening, if she might be able to come by multiple times during the day - if she seems well enough to be outside in the first place. I don't think I'm going to send her to Davis, the vet seemed quite certain and she's only 8 or 9 months old....
An update on Blondie, for those not following my other thread:
Blondie is still with us! She has a little more trouble standing and is falling more often. But she still has a great appetite, interest in being with the other two chickens, preening as much as she can, normal poops... no obvious pain. She still tries to scratch her ear, and I see little droplets of clear liquid on the floor when she shakes her head, so I wonder if there might be something else going on there. I've been supplementing with B2, St John's Wort, lysine, electrolytes, fish, cranberries, and pomegranates -which she loves.
So I have no idea what to do at this point. My partner was able to watch her during the day, but he just started a new job, so I took her to work so I could check on her periodically. I kept her in a small dog cage, in the back of my SUV with the windows partially open, but I don't know how long I can sustain that... and I think she will get worse from not walking around... unfortunately no has chimed in about what to expect...
I'm glad to hear that she still has her appetite and spark for life. I'm sorry to hear that she seems to have declined otherwise. I don't have any advice to offer, but I've been following your thread and praying for Blondie.

Hopefully someone will be by soon with some knowledge to share!
Have you tried her in a chicken sling while you are at work, or can she get to food and water in her cage? Is she still able to get around on one leg? I really cannot tell you what to expect since I haven’t dealt with Mareks. Every case is different. Some chickens can live for a long time if they are eating and drinking, and do not not get an infection. Mareks causes a decreased immunity to infections, so they can sometimes die from common infections.
Have you tried her in a chicken sling while you are at work, or can she get to food and water in her cage?"

Thanks! I'm considering the sling, I haven't seen one yet that I particularly like, so I need to keep searching. I bought a little dog harness I was going to try her on, and was trying to figure out if there was some way to attach it with a leash to an overhead line so she could still walk, but not fall, over... but then she also couldn't sit... The problem with being in a basket is that I just don't like the idea of her not using her legs at all and being stuck in one place all day... but that's probably the next step.
She can get around but stumbles a lot and eventually falls down probably non average 2-3 times in a half hour if she is trying to move around. She even falls on her side at night, when she is sleeping in a basket...
I just found this on-line! I might try to make one... at least this way I would't have to supervise her when she's with Penny the alpha who attacks her when she's down.
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