Help needed identifying gender (assorted bantams)


6 Years
Jun 15, 2013
Madison, WI
Hi all! I'm brand new to the chicken world, with my first flock of bantams. We got an assortment of breeds as a straight run (we bought 10, hoping to end up with 4-5 hens). Now they're five weeks old now, and getting too big for their coop. I need to identify the roos so I can find them new homes. I've been reading the different threads about sexing chickens, but I still feel unsure of my ID skills and would really appreciate help.

I'll start with the Barred Rocks.

I think BR#1 is a roo.

Ditto for BR#2.

I'm hoping BR#3 is a hen. She's a little rounder than the other two, with more feathers grown in, less red in her comb, and overall her coloring is just a little darker. Sorry for the blurry photos; she was not very cooperative.

On to the Buff Orpingtons...

I'm pretty sure BO#1 is a lady. She's bigger, rounder, and has full, fluffy tail feathers. She's also very gentle.

I think BO#2 is a roo.

Same for BO#3.

My Easter Eggers are a week older than the rest of the flock.

I think EE#1 is a hen, but those little tail feathers sticking out make me nervous. Also the red coloring around the shoulders.

I think EE#2 is a hen as well. Pretty confident about her.

I haven't seen many identification suggestions for Frizzle Cochins.

I think FC#1 is a female, but that's a total guess.

Pretty sure FC#2 is a roo. He's by far my ugliest. I'm actually a little concerned - he's lost most of his fuzz, but isn't really growing in many feathers. I've never observed any of the chicks pecking or bullying whatsoever; they get along well as a flock, and huddle together at night to sleep. But I'm including a photo of his little bald butt so you can see what I mean. Is this normal?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Ha, I totally thought you were just making a pun until I searched frazzle. I do hope he gets a few more feathers, or he'll be hard to find a home for.
you are completely correct on all of them!! great job at observing!! I have never owned any frizzles but from the reading I have done about them and with all of the problems they have with their feathers anyway I would say yes that is normal and he may grow his feathers in and depending on his genetics (if for many generations frizzles have been breed to frizzles and not smooth every once in a while) he may never grow all of his feathers in..they may be too brittle and break off.
Awesome, thanks! I guess I should have read more about the frizzles before buying. what seemed like adorable feathers at first now seems like weird breeding. But I'm pumped we ended up with at least one hen from each breed!

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