Help needed

Ive kept chickens for a couple of years and get great enjoyment from it.
Ive experimented with trying to hatch some but have failed every time.
I have read various bits of info on here but dont understand some of the phrases used i.e zip and pip
Could someone tell me what this means please
Hello! Welcome!

I'm sure someone else can come to your rescue. I do not have much experience with roosters/chicks (you know what I mean). There should be a lot of info on here telling you how and what to do. I'm sure there's something you can find... but anyways, hopefully someone takes a peak at this and reads your question and can give you an answer.

There could be many problems. Is your rooster picking on one of your hens/a few of them? May be time to get a new rooster. If the hens are not accepting the rooster, you'll need a new one.

How many hens and roosters do you have in one pen/all together?

How far have you made it in the process? Have you ever had one of your hens go broody?

Give as much details as you can. This will help someone else (not me) determine your problems.

Thanks! Welcome again!
enjoy the community, and much luck with your flock!

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