Help! Neighbor Issues: Irresponsible dog owner

This happened to us at our previous home. The neighbor's dog was in our yard repeatedly. But would return home everyday before she got home from work. And of course "her sweet angel" would never leave her yard. Our dogs would get in fights with her dog defending their territory. I was constantly coming home to my dogs with punctures and scratches. Her dog was really mean and was actually aggressive towards non-dog people. It always toed the line with me, because I think it knew I meant business, but it was one of those dogs I knew was unpredictable. We eventually built a dog run for our dogs to defend them from her at-large K-9 on OUR property. Finally we got pictures, video actually, of her dog in our yard. She still said it wasn't her dog! Really? There's another Giant Schnauzer in this neighborhood that I don't know about??? When she got a second dog and that dog started escaping, I drew the line. The next time the dogs were in our yard, we put our dogs in the house and trapped her dogs in the dog run. I called Animal Control. Gave them a file of photos of damage: the fences, the chickens, and the wounds on my dogs from the past 2 months. When the officer went to remove her dogs from our run the Schnauzer charged him and went for his throat. He shot the dog dead right there in our yard. Thank god, that is was the officer that the dog had gone after and not some poor kid from the neighborhood. The mean dog was put down without suffering, or stress in a shelter. The neighbor's new puppy was taken to the pound where she never showed up to pay the fees. He was a sweet dog, and hadn't been with the irresponsible owner long enough to develop bad habits. We sent some friends of ours to the pound to adopt the puppy. In the end: one mean, unpredictable dog dead, one puppy SAVED form becoming a chicken-killing nuisance, and one irresponsible neighbor banned from owning K-9s in the county. The only casualties were two young roosters who valiantly laid down their lives so the girls could get to safety. We were so close to being one of those 5 o'clock news stories about a chewed up toddler!
If you can get a hard copy of ordinances that say you are in your rights to shoot the dogs if they are harassing livestock, then print it out and give it to him and tell him you will exercise your rights to the fullest extent. Our local county ordinances give us that right and they are online, even in our teeny town.

When we recently told a neighbor teen that if his dog was back in our fenced yard (the drive gate was open that day for a delivery) that we would have to dispose of him, he threatened to come up here with a shotgun and kill every bird we owned. His own father said he would do the same thing.
Yeah, they get it from the parents most of the time. Anyway, he installed a large chainlink fence for the dog, who is still seen outside of the fence on occasion. He also had originally installed one of those invisible fences a couple years ago because we had called to tell him that his dog was up here, but didn't keep the batteries charged so it did no good at all.
I think this time it really got through to him. My friend that works part time for the dog owner said that he's been talking about how he has to figure out a way to keep the dogs in, and that he felt so bad about what had happened. My husband did make it very clear to the guy that the next time we see the dogs out, they won't be coming home. If they aren't hurting anyone, we'll just take them to the shelter where A) they'll have to pay a fine to get the dogs back or B) the dogs will be adopted by someone better equipped/suited to handle them responsibly. If they're out and trying to hurt another animal on our property, it's the axe for those two. Well not really an axe. We'll use a gun. But you know what I mean. It is frustrating. I think a lot of what makes it so frustrating isn't the dogs alone, it's the fact that the owner won't do something about it and keeps letting it happen. If the method you're using fails repeatedly, you might want to try a different approach!
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Possibly you might try to help him build a kennel with a roof this would be good for both of you also share some eggs and make him your friend this is also most helpfull for you both. you could watch his animals during the day and he would probably be more then happy to work with you.
Having this same exact issue here as well....House on the next street over that has about 15 dogs is letting them run loose. These dogs are jumping over my neighbors fence and then jumping over the fence to my yard.

Called the AC and asked if I was allowed to shoot them.. The response was "no unless their going after you". So what if the dog is attacking my birds? "No you can't do anything about it just call the AC." BS I say! If a dog is chasing MY birds in MY yard that is all the way fenced in those two dogs aren't going to leave alive. If they harm even a single feather on my birds I will(I wont even say it!)

Also don't get me wrong. I DO NOT blame the dog. I blame the idiotic owner for not keeping their animals under control.

15 dogs ? really !!!

They must have loads of money to feed that many animals. Or maybe thats why they are after your birds !!
Well had to stand infront of the house since it was my bus stop last year. You had to stand atleast 4ft away from the fence or else you get peed on.
In the muddy/poop front yard they had atleast 8 once and there was atleast that amount in back and then a few inside the house. Always barking my 4 roos are less annoying then that.

Make shure all recording devices are off.
Go outside with shotgun.

It's your word against a dead dog!!!!!
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