Help! Neighbor Issues: Irresponsible dog owner

I would shoot with a paintball gun to mark them,but ofcourse it can be said they were shot in their own yard.Best to trap and call/take to AC,or just SSS when dogs trespass.
At my old house I used to run down the street for exercise. One of the people that lived down the road on which I ran, owned a cocker spaniel. As I would run past the house they lived in, I would invariably hear the creak of a screen door and the cocker spaniel would charge out and try to bite me as I ran. I would be forced to turn around and kick at the dog while yelling. The dog was extremely nimble and I was unable to land a kick. I would hear laughter coming from inside the dog owners home everytime this happened. It was obvious that I was nothing more than a dog toy for these folks. This went on for a few months, and as I ran at the same time of day, it became something of an unpleasant routine. At a local sporting goods store I happened upon some dog mace in a convenient size for carrying while running. I purchased it and took it with me on my next jog. Sure enough, the screen door opened and the beast charged me. This time however I greeted the cur with a blast from the mace. The result was that the animal stopped dead in its tracks and started rubbing its nose on the asphalt. As I began to continue my run, the big fat owner charged out of the house and angrily confronted me. He said that he would kill anyone that harmed his dog. I was very angry myself and I told him that it was my dog and I could do with it as I wanted to. A blank stare came across his face and he said "What do you mean, this is your dog?" I told him that if it comes into my road that it was my dog. After that the dog would stay under the porch and bark at me, but it never chased me again.

On chickens: When I was a kid the neighbors dog killed one of our chickens. We took the carcass and put cayenne pepper on it heavily and tied it securely to the dogs neck, then we sent the dog packing. The neighbor left the chicken there and the dog grew to hate the chicken and all chickens after that. You might try the mace or the peppered chicken. Good luck to you in your battle with those beasts.
You do have police over there dont you ?

Day two I would have called the police, they would have been round to visit the owner & explain it must be stopped from running out or loose the dog !!!!!!!! We are just daft like that in the UK,
I also had a problem with a neighbor dog always chasing me down the country road that we lived on. We live outside of a state park, so the dog was always terrorizing anyone who jogged, walked or biked past their house. The neighbors never did anything to stop it. I tried to pepper spray it, but could never get a good shot (it was a very fast little jack russel). Because I have pets and young children that I didn't want to get hurt as we walked by, I called the cops, and the owners were pretty ticked off. After that, they still would let the dog roam around and chase people, but they would make a half-hearted effort to call the dog when it started barking/growling/nipping at passers-by. I'd be lying if I said I felt bad that the owners were part of the forclosure crisis, and it has been very pleasant since they moved a year ago.
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I also had a problem with a neighbor dog always chasing me down the country road that we lived on. We live outside of a state park, so the dog was always terrorizing anyone who jogged, walked or biked past their house. The neighbors never did anything to stop it. I tried to pepper spray it, but could never get a good shot (it was a very fast little jack russel). Because I have pets and young children that I didn't want to get hurt as we walked by, I called the cops, and the owners were pretty ticked off. After that, they still would let the dog roam around and chase people, but they would make a half-hearted effort to call the dog when it started barking/growling/nipping at passers-by. I'd be lying if I said I felt bad that the owners were part of the forclosure crisis, and it has been very pleasant since they moved a year ago.

I just can't understand people like that who continue to let their dogs chase and attack people. Why do these people want to face a lawsuit? Why do these people want the possibility of some one getting hurt?
S = Shoot
S = Shovel
S = Shut Up

This dog attack situation just happened to my flock a week ago today. I immediately phoned animal control, they came out, seen the dog himself and went ater him. This dog has not just roamed our neighborhood for 3 plus years due to extremely uncaring owners, the dog made it back home after killing and must have eaten, my 4 still missing chickens, before the warden could catch him. After speaking with the owner, he stopped back by here and gave me her name and number and had informed me then that this dog had killed an entire flock a while back that were supposedly just a couple doors down from them. The owner and I have already taken care of the situation and I had also warned her that if the dog came back into this yard she will never see it again.

I were very angry when I found her house, very nice place on 27 acres with an old barn on the land, an inlaws sweet attached to the main house and not a fence in sight for their 2 big dogs. Her kids are older with their own kids and still living at home, they're buildig a music studio in their basement with nice newer model automobiles. Hum, I had a few nasty thoughts of my own and pray like all get out that I find the carcuss to all 4.

Sad thing here is that I personally think that the warden should had taken the dog into custody since he did see it with his very own eyes but, he did NOT in which upset me even more so I have already written a nice lovely letter to animal control. With employment rates as low as they are and the amount of people needing a job they should hire someone that will be more dedicated to all citizens in our county and perform their duties better than these oldies but, goodies. I have one roo that had nearly every tail feather ripped out of his behind and the warden had seen the feathers laying on the ground but, did not want to see the rooster. Thank god Corporal got away!

I laughed after him making a remark about one of my hens missing her back feathers and told him that she were moulting in which she is so he let it go.

I recommend that you call animal control and have him replace your 2 chickens @ ten dollars each, this will never stop for you unless you act on it, people do not care and if he's avoiding you now, he'll never give you the time of day but, will NEED to pay close attention to the LAW as per your county. It had never paid to remain the nice guy type of person for me and might not for you either!
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It sounds like some of you have the same kind of city officials from animal control to the cops, lazy loafs as we do, taking our tax dollars for nothing!

When I had a neighbor's pit bull constantly digging under the fence and terrorizing my own animals, I wasted my time calling AC. It would take them over 2 hours or more to come out. The neighbors, drug dealers, knew the system and its laws better than I. They knew just how long they could allow this to go on before getting the dog back into their own yard before the AC would arrive.

Then the AC person would tell me they could do nothing since they saw nothing, that I'd have to get pictures and take them to civil court. Now what good would that have done? Civil court is for financial losses and I was busting my rear to keep that from happening. I guess I had to let them kill one of my dogs to make a case?

Well, after they got out of jail following a bust the last time, I guess they took the big bucks they'd made off the drug sales, bought a bigger, better house in a prettier neighborhood and moved! End of my pit bull problem.

So, yes, get pictures, but my guess is you'll get little help from the authorities.

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