Help! Neighbor Issues: Irresponsible dog owner

It's a shame that our counties are supposedly struggling with finances! I'd say if they weren't over paid to begin with then we wouldn't be in the shapes that we're in. Most all of this is out of cheap evil greed by males that are some sorts of authorities while females that are along with them own the same type of attitude. I'd say we are all being illegally set up by feds out of evil greed.

Thank god your pit bull miseries are over, I have no inkling that this family will relocate any time soon, they own quite a bit!

Since I'm not quite a great aim with a pistol I'm going to do some target practice with hopes that my neighbors do here that I'm not afraid to shoot this dog if he ever comes back over here. I have since allowed my dog to roam the yard, he doesn't go to far outside of these lines and of course to the neighbors that tosses spoiled foods out for birds and such that would actually make animals sick but, can't tell the elderly anything since they were here before myself lol.

Not sure how true it is but, I've also heard that counties are going to become less available to stray dogs and such since we home owners have the right to shoot these animals that come onto our places so suppose that it's past time for us to take a stand and stand up for what we own!!

By the way, a pit bull killing another dog might not get their attention any more since it's in their nature so it could very well take an attack on a human child to turn their heads in our futures!

SHOOT them, the warden told me that he'd stop by and pick up the dead dogs body and call it good!
Here, all it would take is 1 call to animal control and tell them that these dogs are getting into your yard and killing your pets. They would not hesitate to come and take the Hybrid Kangaroo Dogs to the pound and give them a dirt nap.

What's really sad is that the dogs' humans don't seem to really care very much about the health, safety, and welfare of their animals. In my humble opinion, people like that should not even have animals. Sounds like the people are self-aware enough to know that their animals are wreaking havoc in the neighborhood. While you do not want problems with your neighbors, they don't seem to mind creating problems for YOU. That's something you need to think about.

Personally if it was me, and I had contacted them as MANY times as you have, my next message to him would be, "I have called animal control to come get your dogs. They were running loose again, and you have not responded to numerous attempts to contact you and numerous attempts to get you to keep your dogs confined according to the law. I am sorry and hope you understand, but I cannot risk your uncontrolled dogs hurting any more of my animals, or worse, stepping up their behavior and having them kill a child instead of a chicken next time." I bet he calls you back UBER fast.

I love Charley Waite's (Kevin Costner) line in Open Trail, where all the townsfolk are whining about how bad things are....."You're men ain't ya?" Sometimes you just have to handle things yourself.
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Where I live, if a dog comes on my property and is not leashed, I can shoot it or catch it if I can and call the dog warden to come get it. Calling the dog catcher is the first method and usually ends the problem. However, if the dog is licensed, and we can find the owner, we can call them to come get their dog. The usual follow up is to have them be notified of the penalty for allowing their dog to roam. Roaming dogs in my neighborhood have greatly thinned out.
This is true here also unless the laws have changed! I don't think that I'd call the owner these days as it just gives them the benefit of the doubt and will most likely happen again since the law were not involved, I have on mny occassions in residential areas but, not rural, never know who the owners are around here.

I can't collar my dogs due to their running in the woods, I fear that they'd get stuck on a tree limb or something and I'd never know it! They could just hang there and die!!
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These dog threads are pure poison. The best defenses are good fences and electric fences. Sadly, if you eliminated the dogs, the owners just get more. The problem is the owner, not the dogs. You have to make the owners want to keep their dogs confined.

We used to leave a very dead animal out. Dead skunk works best. No doggie can resist the temptation to roll in this nastiness.

Hopefully, rover will make it to their new sofa before the problem is detected. After they wash their dogs a couple of times, they will keep them in.

And about pepper spray, it is expensive and must be used at close range. Try wasp spray instead. It is cheaper and is good for about fifty feet.

The issue with that is wasp spray is poison while pepper spray is just an irritant. A dog won't die from a faceful of pepper spray, unless it has allergies or something. If you want range, look into cans of bear spray. They are meant to go the distance, since you don't want to have to walk up to a bear in order to spray it.
I agree with that also! and maybe if the dog went home smelling of wasp spray the owners might get the hint to keep it in their yard, next time!

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