Help nest in a barrel


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 31, 2008
My favorite little hen is setting on her nest in a 32" tall plastic trash can. She has to fly up to get out because it is so deep. I am afraid that she may break her eggs coming and leaving. She is under a shelter off a garage but not in a pen. Should I try to raise the nest closer to the top of the can by putting hay under it and move the can into the garage or let it stay in the bottom of the can outside.
If you move it up you still have the danger of landing on them when flying (although it is lessened). What if you tipped the can on it's side and put it in the garage?
I will move it into the garage to get her use to it. then see if I can tilt it to a 45 deg.and level the nest. Then I can put some wire like a woodduck box so she can walk instead of fly. Thanks:thumbsup
Sounds like a plan!

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