Help! New to turkeys and concerned about blackhead


Jul 31, 2016
Okay so I have been googling. My ton is almost 6 months old and his name is Thanksgiving (for obvious reasons) :)

He has been seeming normal but he poop is a darker color yellow and runny list a light paste color. He doesn't have any discharge and I seen him eat a little this morning. Mostly hes been keeping his himself in the kiddie pool to keep his talons cold from the heat. He seems otherwise fine except the poop. Should I be concerned?

Also, in regards to processing. If a turkey is sick can you still process and eat the meat?
Okay so I have been googling. My ton is almost 6 months old and his name is Thanksgiving (for obvious reasons) :)

He has been seeming normal but he poop is a darker color yellow and runny list a light paste color. He doesn't have any discharge and I seen him eat a little this morning. Mostly hes been keeping his himself in the kiddie pool to keep his talons cold from the heat. He seems otherwise fine except the poop. Should I be concerned?

Also, in regards to processing. If a turkey is sick can you still process and eat the meat?

Welcome to BYC! Can you post a picture of his poop?

As for eating a sick turkey, I guess it would depend on what they were sick with. In the advanced stages of blackhead it's not uncommon for their intestines to rupture, so not sure people would eat them in that case. Maybe @ChickenCanoe will know.


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