HELP! Newbie fed some raw oatmeal to chicks


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
Okay--I thought I read up pretty well on stuff....I mixed some raw oatmeal (pretty fine oats) and some regular bird seed in with the poultry feed that we bought at the co-op. The chicks have been loving it, but I just read something about not feeding raw oatmeal to chickens that don't have access to grit.

What do you use for grit and do you supply it to chicks? I do have a bag of playground-type sand available.

Should I be really concerned about this? What do you suggest if this is a big problem?
If you don't have a chance to get to the feed store... I gave mine a mixture of coarse sand and tiny pebbles i scooped out of our creekbed. "homemade grit".
Since we have a sort of decomposed granite rocky soil, will I still need to supply grit or whatever it is they use to munch things up?

Nope. I have never bought a bag of rocks specifically for the birds, but that's because there are tons of rocks in our soil here and like half a dozen tons of rocks lining the drive way and turn around in front of the house and garage areas. If you have rocks and pebbles in the soil, no need to buy rocks.
Thanks for all the tips! I'm assuming the chicks just know what to chicks (ordered from Ideal Poultry) should only be 5 days old--maybe 6, not sure how fast they ship at Ideal.

As long as I provide the grit, then I guess it is safe to continue with the feed mix I have been giving them....??

Thanks, again!
I wouldn't keep feeding the mix to them. They really just need the chick starter. It has all of the vitamins and nutrients that the chicks need to grow and be healthy. Mine are 5 weeks old and haven't had any extras yet. Lay off the oatmeal and birdseed for now and just feed the starter!
You're probably right. Do you feed any extra stuff to them--on an occasional basis? Like a grape, apple, or even some bugs?

I have been searching for a list of toxic plants and insects. I read that greens are not recommended, but nothing I've found has really said not to feed them anything particular--except for the oatmeal. I can't find a list of toxic insects anywhere. Guess there aren't any...?? We have tons of roly-polys, so that would be something I need to make sure is okay.
Mine are 3 weeks and have been getting some lettuce, zuchinni, grapes cut in half, mealworms and earthworms that the kids dig up (and they dig up in the garden) a small piece of broccoli here or there. They are feathering out well and are pooping normally. As long as it is done in moderation, I give them just a few nibbles each day, they love it

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