Help - No progress since last night

Little turkey is resting nicely. He is not trying to stand... fluffing up a bit... I think he is doing okay. Still hasn't opened those eyes. I don't know if that is normal. The other eggs are still rocking... so hopefully some will make it out. Maybe these will be ready to come out when they hatch.
it takes them a while to stand after a hatch.. and then at first some will only stand for a few minutes then will settle back down.. their little leg muscles will strengthen and usually after the first day (or few hours with some) they are up and running around like little maniacs..i have had some that open their eyes right away and some that are a bit sleepy after a hatch.. so as long as i can get some sugar or electrolyte water in them within 24 hours they do fine (I like to get food and water into a turkey poult sooner than a chick because they are a little slower and weaker than chicken babies and need the extra time to figure out what they should do).

just remember to show little turkey poults several times how to drink and eat. i put marbles in their food to get them to peck at it.. occasionally i have some that also need marbles in their water to get their attention.. they seem to be a bit "forgetful" for the first few days.. so make sure that you see each one drink and eat several times before assuming they know what they are doing
Not much has changed with him today. He is still not standing. I am going to take him out and put him in a brooder and try to get some electrolytes in him. I have to look up how to mix it. His belly looks a little drier, but still not all absorbed. The other eggs have not pipped... I just feel horrible.. I'm beginning to think they probably will not pip. I think they are fully developed.. must have been a humidity thing. I don't know if people help when they haven't pipped... : (
ok.. sounds like he's pretty weak then.. if he won't drink on his own only give him 1 drop at a time and let him swallow before giving him another drop.. you don't want him to aspirate on the water

i have opened eggs that hadn't pipped before.. sometimes all they need is a wet cloth.. other times they are already dead and it was too late to do anything.. candle them first and see if you can tell what's going on in there before you even attempt to open any..
Day 29 The only temp swing is the incubator went off over night about 4 days before lockdown. I candled one egg when I put him back in and it had internally pipped and was still moving. The eggs were all moving yesterday. It is hard to tell today because he moves around and it moves the eggs. I am going to run down town and get an eye dropper. I have a syringe but no droppers. I will look at the directions for electrolytes again... I forgot how much powder to mix. I hope that there is nothing wrong with his legs.
well.. try to candle the eggs to see what's going on in there.. day 29 isn't bad for turkeys considering you did have a temp swing
if you have any polyvisol (without iron) I would give him a couple drops of that too

Im not sure what kind of electrolytes you are using so I can't really advise how much of it to mix into water
Hi again Tia. I don't have any experience of assisting with hatches (never had to do it yet) so I can't offer any useful advice, but I just stopped by for an update and to see how that little guy and the rest of your eggs were doing. I'm really crossing my fingers for them all and hoping things turn out well for you...
At least one of the eggs is still rocking, so I don't want to get them out and candle now if there is any hope. Little guy isn't doing too good. I did get some vitamins and electrolytes into him... but had to do it when he opened his beak for a breath. He is just laying there and breathing hard. I hope that he is not suffering. He stretches every once in a while, but besides that nothing. Not to alert when I picked him up to give him the drops. When do I know when he is suffering too much. I don't want him to suffer, but want to give him every chance for life.
I would give him til tomorrow. if there's no improvement then you may have to cull.. i know it's not an easy decision to make.. but if he doesn't get his legs under him or make some sort of improvement then he's not going to make it.. if you can't bring yourself to cull him at least make him as comfortable as you possibly can and let him know he's loved

since there is movement in the other egg.. leave them alone for now.. IF one makes a large pip and does not zip it will be running into the same low humidity issues as this one had... what is your humidity on right now?.. you will want to make sure it's at least 80% or higher to give them the best shot at getting through those membranes on their own

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