Help! Noisy Chicken!

Well I have a Buff Rock that is normally quiet until she started to lay than all my neighbors knew I had a fresh egg in the hen house LOL and there are days I will not get an egg but she walks around makeing the same noise as yours - I guess somedays we all have a " bad hair day " or wake up on the wrong side of the coop. Mine is not making any noise now since it is to cold to lay, but come spring look out LOL

My BRs are loud like that. Of course she's going to be loud if you have a salad in your hand!
My girls have that HUGE CREAKING DOOR sound sometimes, like your girl. It seems that Disneyworld ought to record it for their haunted house rides!

And all we ever want is a ladylike "cluck cluck" now and then. I guess girls just have their own opinions on the world.
OK I'm pretty new to chicken raising... Could you have a Rooster? My hens make a big chior about laying eggs, nothing the neighbors would complain about, and I have some uptight ones.
Dang, we must have some loudmouth chickens b/c that video didn't seem that loud to me! Our girls complain to get out every morning to free range, then they beg all day, cackle like MAD when they lay...lucky for me I dig it and we have no neighbors close by.

But if we did, and they were slightly bothered, I'd buy 'em off w fresh eggs.
Our Speckled Sussex, Brownie, is our friendliest bird. Trouble is she
won't shut up when we are around. Sometimes I want to strangle her,
or at least bite her neck. She sounds like she is complaining.
Baaawwwwkk bowwwwwkkkk. She just wants to come out and range
or wants more to eat. She's a fat spoiled chicken.
Hehe, thanks everybody for your responses. I love the 10-yr old remarking on how loud she is
and Buff H. you're so right about her sounding like a big creaking door! Purple Chicken, you always make me laugh and you did it again. I thought about your wanting to bite your SS's neck today when my own demon-SS was bellowing in my ear and it made me laugh out loud. I am indeed starting to worry that she is a rooster, heaven forbid. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know how to tell whether she is or not - I'm just waiting for the tell-tale crow. I hope I never get one and get a big juicy egg instead. Based on what everybody said, I guess Sussex are a pretty noisy breed - which suprises me as they're described as a quiet docile breed of the English class. Oh well, as long as she gives me some good eggs, I'll overlook her quirkiness.

This experience has definitely influenced my decision as to which breeds I'll be buying in the spring - all brahmas and cochins - I like 'em big, slow and quiet . . .


You know I have been having the same problem,but with both.My grey silkie hen is starting to crow,and my black silkie rooster crows at least 6,7,8 times a day.Its not for a couple minutes though,most of the time he goes on for 5-10 minutes each time.Sometimes longer,especially in the morning.
I was also wondering why they wont brood.I put an egg in the nest 2 days ago and they absolutely refuse to go near the nest.They used to sleep in it at night,and now they just sleep wherever in the middle of the coop.
I am blessed because I live on 4 acres and my neighbors love hearing the roosters. But I wanted to add, that if you are trying to determine if it is a rooster or a hen, look for the start of spurs. I would think at her age, spurs would definitely be growing. I have a 2 month old White Leghorn (he was suppose to be a hen, oh well) and his are definitely showing. Also when I was growing up, I had a period with no roosters and one of my hens started crowing. Not as good as a roo, but she was definitely giving it her best.

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