Help! Noisy Chicken!

Hi Tara

Yeah, I LOVE my cochin - so sweet and quiet. I'm afraid she sometimes is influenced by her naughty sister who is teaching her to bellow like her. I love quiet chickens now - loud ones, in a neighborhood like mine, cause stress. Today Lucy was BELLOWING like a walrus. I just hope the neighbors had already gone to work.

Can you tell? I only just now discovered these moving smiley things and they're way too much fun! Woohooo!

Tara, you're always good for a giggle!

I really don't think she's *that* loud.....then again, I'm not standing in your backyard. Mine are only loud when they want out or are laying.....???? Who knows? Some chickens are just talkative.
Hehe, thanks Jessica! I'm such a dork, I didn't get where everybody was getting those cool moving smilies! DUH! Yeah, Lucy is pretty loud - she sometimes acts like a rooster, standing up high, throwing back her head and bellowing. She's a weird little chicken but I like her. I just wish I had a remote control for her with a big old mute button I could push. She always seems to get loud at the worst times - like early weekend mornings when you just know your neighbors are trying to sleep in.

I'm going to use this symbol now just because I think it's cute - I have no idea what emotion/intention this is supposed to convey other than it being really cute

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I have speckled sussex here and mine are quiet and laid back. I noted mine have a heavier structuring than yours. Did yours come from a hatchery by some chance?

Feed snacks just before dark. May be hollering because breakfast is late?
no sussex here but my Barred Rocks can be heard at least 3 streets over when they lay and egg and yesterday they had a sugar high from eating the Rhode Islad Reds starter feed w/ the molasses and they were noisey and mean all day and could not even settle down for sleep last night!! Sooo, see what amount of sweets they are getting s mine were ten times worse yesterday than ever before and I know it was the feed becsue I mixed it all together thinking everyone would eat it and I wet it so they would like it and they ate every speck and the whole neighborhood suffered for it all day yesterday, haha!! wont do that again!!!!
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I still wonder if "she" is really a "he"?? If I'm wrong, and She is just a noisy Chick ( I had a roomate once and she...Nevermind, Ha!) Anyhow if she, is a Hen, the suggestion to buy off any complaints with eggs is a great one! Hmmmmm Mabe its a good thing I gave away a bunch of eggs, I have noticed increased vigalance, of nieghbors keeping an Eye on my House and property...There probably is somthing to that...These Super fresh eggs are hard to beat! Ya all should had seen the Big suffle I baked last weekend, Oh and a bunch of neighbors were my guests for dinner! ( it was Beautiful, move over Rachel and Martha!)Hmmmmm mabe there is somthing to feeding the neighbors eggs too!
Yep, my formerly quiet Speckled Sussexes make a lot of noise in the mornings, when they're getting ready to lay. She looks just like my hens and makes the same noises -- I wouldn't worry about her being a rooster. I bet she'll be laying soon.
Yes, I got her from a hatchery. She is not fully grown yet - she is only just over 4 months old. I worry that she is a rooster sometimes - she doesn't crow though - just has that loud squeaking door sound. She and her sister aren't big eaters at all. They're really not into food - it's strange. They've been like that since their sisters were killed in a dog attack a month ago. They pick at things and they always have access to their feed, which they only nibble at. I never give them sweet snacks. They won't eat them! They don't care for scratch even - Weird! They eat the birdseed that has fallen from the birdfeeder and they enjoy eating the canned cat food that the outdoor cat has left behind. Other than that, they don't eat much and dont seem to enjoy foraging much either. Mabye it's because it's winter time. I hope they perk up and start enjoying chicken life more when I get new chicks in the spring, giving them a bigger flock to run with. I think they just miss their sisters sometimes.

Here is a photo of them being silly, trying to both squeeze themselves out through the tiny nest box door at the same time - silly chickens!

Our Sussex sounds exactly like that all the time. She is loudest of our flock (RIR, Isa Brown and Sapphire Splash). She is a totally odd bird in so many other ways too. But she is the only one who comes when called and she would rather be with me then the flock. She cracks me up.

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