Beach chick

12 Years
Apr 13, 2007
Outer Banks, NC
It is 91 degrees in the coop right now with 72% humidity and no air movement. One or two hens are on the floor going to the water, the rest are on the roosts but panting and clucking.

Should I put a fan in there? Any other suggestions?
Wow, that is hot for this time of night. Is it just that hot inside the coop or is it that hot outside too? If it doesn't cool down soon, a fan might feel real good to the girls. I would only put it on low though.
Can you hang some cotton sheets or similar over the pen then hose or bucket water over sheets to make them wet, then get a fan in there, are they in a coop, have you got somewhere safe for them to get out of there and under a shrub or tree?
We get those temps here in Australia but mine freerange as we dont have the predators here. Mine always get under a shrub and have dirtbaths to cool off, I also spray them with fine mist from hose, they dont like it but it makes them look cool! not sure if it helps.
Put some ice in drinking water too,.
Another hint is to put yourself in their shoes and pretend you are in there and see what you would do to make it more comfy for you! it seems to help add a new perspective.
Make heaps of shade!!!
I really hope you get through this,
Thanks everyone! I just put a fan in there. It's 89 degrees outside - it was 100 today - very high for here. There are 2 windows but no breeze. They are in a partitioned area in my shed so there's also plastic over wire fencing. I removed some of the plastic so the air can get through.
I have all hens - 5 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Silver-lace Wyandottes, 2 Black Orstralorps & 2 Araucana/Partridge Banty (?) mix

They are laying less and less in this heat and they keep getting broody. There's always been around 2 since June!

you are providing water with electrolytes added and refreshing regularly and have available 24/7 ?

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