Mar 16, 2008 #1 jose408 In the Brooder 11 Years Feb 18, 2008 52 0 39 san jose california thats her i want to now what breed of chicken she is?
Mar 16, 2008 #2 flyingmonkeypoop Crowing 17 Years Apr 30, 2007 3,592 195 411 Deer Park Washington It looks like an Iowa Blue to me. What kind of comb does it have?
Mar 16, 2008 #3 KsTornado11 Crowing 18 Years Jan 11, 2007 263 2 316 Kansas My guess is EE,w/ those grey legs.
Mar 16, 2008 Thread starter #4 jose408 In the Brooder 11 Years Feb 18, 2008 52 0 39 san jose california Quote: whats a EE
Mar 16, 2008 #5 DouglasPeeps Songster 11 Years Feb 26, 2008 1,258 8 171 Colorado EE is an Easter Egg chicken. I have 2 of them and they are both very different looking.
Mar 16, 2008 #6 Dustin Biery Songster 12 Years Feb 4, 2007 1,315 6 179 Mulberry, Arkansas I dont see EE, but I do see what looks like a game cross. Could be some sort of Standard OE cross. JMHO
I dont see EE, but I do see what looks like a game cross. Could be some sort of Standard OE cross. JMHO
Mar 16, 2008 Thread starter #7 jose408 In the Brooder 11 Years Feb 18, 2008 52 0 39 san jose california Quote: so its standard OE cross i was thinking of that but not a easter layer that wierd
Mar 16, 2008 #8 Dustin Biery Songster 12 Years Feb 4, 2007 1,315 6 179 Mulberry, Arkansas Well one thing to remember, EE are known for their Green legs, not grey. Often dark birds will have dark shanks, so that is how I got to my conclusion, but once again, its just my oppinion.
Well one thing to remember, EE are known for their Green legs, not grey. Often dark birds will have dark shanks, so that is how I got to my conclusion, but once again, its just my oppinion.
Mar 16, 2008 #9 poultrykeeper08 Songster 11 Years Feb 12, 2008 1,993 27 181 Agawam , Ma its hard to tell to with such a small picture
Mar 16, 2008 #10 Dustin Biery Songster 12 Years Feb 4, 2007 1,315 6 179 Mulberry, Arkansas You can click on the picture and it will enlarge