Help!! One of my baby quail won't stop crying!

Each hatching I do, I have at least one, if not two that will cry like this. They pretty much stand on their tiptoes, head slightly tilted back so that their little voices carry as far as possible, and whine and cry and generally make quite a fuss. I've found that it's typically only a first week thing and they seem to outgrow it. I too, pick them up when they cry like this (it may be the only chance I get to build any trust with them), check their eyes, check their butt, examine their navel, inspect their toes, and all crybabies get a drop of chick booster whether they need it or not, just in case. They may quit crying after the first week just to get me to quit examining them!
I had 34 baby quails hatch and I have one that will not stop crying. I have checked the temperature in the brooder, water, and food. I even inspected the baby and saw no physical injuries. It has been crying on and off all day. He is eating fine and drinking he just seems to be unhappy and I don't know what to do. I have all the baby quails in my bathroom because the quail shed is too cold to have them out there. So me and my husband have had long sleepless nights. Its like I have an infant baby all over again. He wakes us up every 30 minutes crying.
I don't know what to do. Help!
I had a SCREAMING baby quail. I could hear him from the second floor, he was in the basement. Something that I found worked was whistling or playing quail noises.
I had a SCREAMING baby quail. I could hear him from the second floor, he was in the basement. Something that I found worked was whistling or playing quail noises.
I know this thread has been here a while, but I’d like to share what works for my screamers: Mozart, the 6-hour mix on YouTube. I turn that on, put the speaker next to the brooder, and have a few hours of sleep.
Mine were like this. Cry cry cry. They never stopped. I slept next to the tank the first five or so days because they just wouldnt stop and it was giving me an anxiety attack. They got to the point where i could just say "quiet" and they'd stop for 15 or 20mn at a time. All I Know is I'm letting my girls do the hard work if I hatch more. Ugh, give them someone else to yell at. They funny part here is he slowly cranks the volume Up until hes peeping his little heart as loud as he can.

I have a singleton that doesn’t make a sound. I’ve had constant peepers in other hatches, we had one we called Screech.
Im so glad for this... thought i was going to go mad... i am literally sitting infront of the brooder, and she stopped. Actually falling asleep. But dear let me go back to bed. Its starts all over again. I have mad a mini teddy. And seems to help so tomorrow, i am making a mamma hen and ive been collecting all the adult quail feathers and going to stick them into this pretend mamma bird wings, and hope the sit under the wings, as i have a heating mad in my brooder and only use rhe light extra if its chilly in the day time.

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