help! one of our girls laid a red egg!


5 Years
Nov 28, 2014
I apologise in advance if this isn't posted in the right place but...

One of our girls laid a red velvety egg yesterday! I have never seen it before and were worried.


I have tried washing it off in case it was blood but but it won't wash off.

She has been laying everyday as usual so we can't think what's caused it.

Anyone have any idea? Is it anything to worry about?

She Seems happy and just carrying on like normal, just worried she's sick or could make the other girls poorly.

Thank you in advanced.

No she's a magpie POL. One of our neighbours has welsummers and its totally different.

the egg has a different texture to a normal egg.
I have had a closer look at the egg and
it is a normal egg but coated in dried blood, which is worrying but she seems her usual happy self.

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