
In the Brooder
Jan 25, 2024
Our sweet girl pepper was attacked by an opossum last night in the coop. Thankfully I heard the commotion and got out there before it killed her, but she’s very shaken up and has some lacerations on her head. Many feathers removed as well. The main worry right now is that she isn’t opening either of her eyes, and they look to be very swollen. Could this just be bruising from the event? Trauma? Any advice or similar stories are welcome.


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Did you see the possum or whatever it was? Yes she is probably very swollen. Can you see if her eyes are intact or punctured? Do the eyes open? Clean her wounds with saline, wound spray, or chlorhexidene. Dry them and apply plain Neosporin ointment twice a day. Offer her some electrolyte water or water with sugar 1 tsp per cup. Hold it up to her beak. Keep her separated, and a dog crate might be good for that.
Did you see the possum or whatever it was? Yes she is probably very swollen. Can you see if her eyes are intact or punctured? Do the eyes open? Clean her wounds with saline, wound spray, or chlorhexidene. Dry them and apply plain Neosporin ointment twice a day. Offer her some electrolyte water or water with sugar 1 tsp per cup. Hold it up to her beak. Keep her separated, and a dog crate might be good for that.
Yes it sprinted out of the coop as I opened the door and she was crumpled on the ground, I assumed dead at the time. The right eye is for sure intact, left eye looks to be intact though that is the one that all of the lacerations are around. We’ve cleaned the wounds but will continue to apply neosporin. She isn’t drinking but I will try that mixture and drop it onto her beak. I should have mentioned that we do have her in a dog cage in our bathroom.

Poor thing was shaking horribly after it happened. Any tips to help wear the shock off?
Sugar water to treat shock, dim room, quiet, and keeping her warm and separated is best. Not too hot, but a cooler room in your house. If she is cold, then 70 degrees is good, Offer fluids throughout the day. Once she seems to drink, offer wet and dry feed to her beak. Let us know how she gets along.
I would just like to give you words of encouragement. I had chickens survive a dog pack attack and they were in much worse shape than yours.
Only thing I would add to the advice already given is to be on the lookout for hidden infection.
If she is not improving but declining, it's very likely she has an infection from one of the puncture wounds. If that's the case, get her on antibiotics fast. Others, who are more experienced can give more specific information, but for mine it worked out to be 250mg twice per day of Amoxicillin.
I used fish antibiotics. Gave 1/2 of a contents of a 500mg pill in the morning and second half in the evening. I mixed the powder into half a tea spoon of coconut oil. Put that into the fridge for a few minutes to ensure it is somewhat solid.
Good luck.

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