I was out in the coop yesterday and noticed that our 3rd Roo is starting to crow... NOT A GOOD THING IN A DEVELOPMENT!
So please help a chicken mama out. Anyone want a Roo. I have several bigger roosters that haven't started crowing but would be ok for meat. I think I have never processed a chicken and DH has said we never will... so I'm hoping someone needs some chicken! They really are beautiful birds. I have mixed breeds, EE's, a Welsummer, and a silver seabright
So please help a chicken mama out. Anyone want a Roo. I have several bigger roosters that haven't started crowing but would be ok for meat. I think I have never processed a chicken and DH has said we never will... so I'm hoping someone needs some chicken! They really are beautiful birds. I have mixed breeds, EE's, a Welsummer, and a silver seabright