Help! Peacefully putting a chicken Down??

i have to put my sweet girl Ruthy down. She has Mareks Disease and it’s just not a good life anymore. So yeah.

We can’t go broomstick method. It was disturbing and scarred us all last time. We want it to be peaceful without her flapping around. We need someway to calm her down before. We had the idea to crush up some sleeping pills and give that to her, then just use an axe. We are ok with using an axe, but we want her to just be peacefully asleep. Is there any other way to put them asleep before killing them?
It doesn't matter how you put them down, they are going to twitch after they die. It is a physiological result of activity going on in the nervous and muscle cells after death. Just know that although it is disturbing to watch, the bird feels absolutely nothing.

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