help picking a rooster


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2020
My family is considering getting some backyard chickens mostly for eggs. We are looking at getting a mixed flock of wyandotte, Rhode Island red, barred rock, and speckled Sussex. We're in mid Missouri so it's hot and cold. Sometimes we have all four seasons in one day. There are a lot of potential predators around our house (hawks, eagles, owls, raccoons, opossums, skunks, snakes, foxes, coyotes, dogs, cats, vehicles driving on the road), but we were hoping to be able to free range while we are home and keep them in the run if we are out for the day. Right now the tentative plan is about 5 each of those breeds with a run probably 40'x40', maybe closer to 50'x50', and let them out when we are home so they can forage on our 2-3 acres. I think it would be a good idea to have a strongly protective rooster or two to help the girls survive, but I don't want them to be so aggressive that they attack my kids which will be helping with chicken chores. Those of you experienced with those breeds, could you please advise which would be the best for our situation?
hey there! i've never owned a speckled sussex rooster, but i have owned the other breeds. all of my rhode island red roos have been agressive - to predators and people! i'm sure there are some nice RIR roos out there, but i've only had one that was nice to people. i had four barred rock roosters - three turned out to be aggresive and mean - but one was very docile yet protective of his flock. i also had a wyandotte rooster - he proved to be quite worthy in my flock. he was very protective of his flock towards predators and quick to warn the hens about potential danger, but he was a real sweetheart and enjoyed being around people. he never showed any sign of aggression towards me or anyone else. if i were you, i would choose a wyandotte. they're known to be docile, calm, and quiet. i've had only good experiences with that breed. hope my advice helps!
I've heard the RIR can go either way. My kids are 11, 8, 6, 3, and not even crawling yet so I'll be cooking a rooster that tries to flog one of the little ones. We have so many predators though :/ They generally don't come up in the yard because we have an old beagle that barks at everything that thinks about moving, lol. Noise and roaming shouldn't be an issue btw. Other than cows our neighbors are 1/4 to 1/2 mile away.
I've heard the RIR can go either way. My kids are 11, 8, 6, 3, and not even crawling yet so I'll be cooking a rooster that tries to flog one of the little ones. We have so many predators though :/ They generally don't come up in the yard because we have an old beagle that barks at everything that thinks about moving, lol. Noise and roaming shouldn't be an issue btw. Other than cows our neighbors are 1/4 to 1/2 mile away.
gotcha! well, hopefully the dog will help keep some of the predators away. and that's good. and again, i've had mostly mean RIR roos but i did have one very sweet boy - so if you do get one hopefully he'll be the same!
gotcha! well, hopefully the dog will help keep some of the predators away. and that's good. and again, i've had mostly mean RIR roos but i did have one very sweet boy - so if you do get one hopefully he'll be the same!
Her bark is way worse than her bite so I'm not counting on it. Heck, I'm not even counting on her making it through another summer. She's 15 and her teeth are worn down badly, poor old lady isn't going to be around much longer. I know I don't need four roosters with only 20 ish hens which is why I'm seeking assistance deciding which rooster breeds to get.
I've had 3 Plymouth Barred rock roos and all 3 were fabulous! Excellent protectors, watch dogs, and food providers. They were always a little on the lean side because they would find food for the hens and call them to it, but eat very little themselves. I have to say that a good rooster is worth his weight in gold. I've had a few roosters give their lives in defense of the flock against a raptor.

I HATE RIRs and will never own another and I don't recommend the breed either. Even when they are used to create hybrids, there's usually a bit of that meanness that gets passed on. I know there are plenty of people who have them and love them, but I've never met a RIR (hen or roo) that I liked!

Never had a Wyandotte or Sussex roo, so I can't give an opinion, although SS hens are very nice. I live in NW Ohio and I can relate to the crazy weather! I raise Buckeyes and they have a nice pea comb that doesn't get frostbite, and I don't heat the coops in the winter.

Good luck in your endeavor! It sounds like you'll have a nice roomy place for them to live.
Her bark is way worse than her bite so I'm not counting on it. Heck, I'm not even counting on her making it through another summer. She's 15 and her teeth are worn down badly, poor old lady isn't going to be around much longer. I know I don't need four roosters with only 20 ish hens which is why I'm seeking assistance deciding which rooster breeds to get.

ahh, gotcha. i'd still suggest a wyandotte or barred rock rooster though. it's recomended to have 1 rooster per 10 hens, but i'm not sure if you want 2 roosters! anyways i think it'll just depend on the rooster's personality. hopefully you choose a good one!
My family is considering getting some backyard chickens mostly for eggs. We are looking at getting a mixed flock of wyandotte, Rhode Island red, barred rock, and speckled Sussex. We're in mid Missouri so it's hot and cold. Sometimes we have all four seasons in one day. There are a lot of potential predators around our house (hawks, eagles, owls, raccoons, opossums, skunks, snakes, foxes, coyotes, dogs, cats, vehicles driving on the road), but we were hoping to be able to free range while we are home and keep them in the run if we are out for the day. Right now the tentative plan is about 5 each of those breeds with a run probably 40'x40', maybe closer to 50'x50', and let them out when we are home so they can forage on our 2-3 acres. I think it would be a good idea to have a strongly protective rooster or two to help the girls survive, but I don't want them to be so aggressive that they attack my kids which will be helping with chicken chores. Those of you experienced with those breeds, could you please advise which would be the best for our situation?
Welcome to BYC, so glad you joined!:weeOut of all the roosters I’ve owned, my favorite has been our Bielefelder rooster, Ollie. He’s polite to us, and kind to the hens. He alerts the hens to predators, and during a previous coyote attack, we only lost 5 out of about 28 hens thanks to him. Wherever there was hens’ feathers, his were there as well, and he even came out with only a slight limp(all better now). I too wouldn’t count on my rooster to protect my flock from predators, but I do think it helps, even if it’s only alerting the hens. I highly recommend a Bielefelder rooster, but I’m sure there’s other breeds out there that are nice as well. Good luck!

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