help picking a rooster

Give this a read, it might make you think you have to have a rooster:
Cute story. We have multiple packs of coyotes around our house. We hear them singing every night. They regularly take down cows and our dog will drag up the skin and bones. I've never seen them in our yard, but I've heard them pretty close, especially when there are young calves in the fields. Our chickens will be locked up tight before twilight in the hopes that the coyotes don't get brave and develop a taste for our chickens.

I already definitely wanted a couple roosters if we for sure end up getting chickens, and am just trying to pick which breed(s) to be roosters when we place our order. I don't care about noise or even friendliness as long as they don't attack the kids. When we first moved here like 9 years ago, our closest neighbor that is about 1/4 mile from us, had a flock of guineas. They would sweep from his house across the cow field and all around our yard down to the road then back to his house at least twice per day. They had a cute little path worn in the grass from visiting so much. They were super noisy and so so so stupid (his dozen or so birds all committed suicide in various ways until they were all gone after about 3 years). They would see their reflections in our windows and alarm and peck at the windows. It was hilarious. I figure if we didn't mind the visiting guineas, roosters won't be a problem. There are several flocks of chickens within hearing distance of our house and we hear roosters pretty frequently throughout the day. I've never understood why people complain about a little rooster. The bulls in the fields make way more noise snorting and bellowing at each other. Heck, my kids make more noise than a whole flock of roosters could even think about making :lau
We also have lots of coyotes here. People all around me have all sorts of livestock as well as outdoor cats and dogs, so coyotes are hunted year round here. I've seen their markings in my yard and my dogs always leave their mark. I've seen their footprints in the snow in winter. They are here, but so far none have attempted to breach my security, thank the Lord.

I agree that roosters should not be aggressive toward humans. The only aggressive roosters I've had were a Silver Spangled Hamburg and a Welsummer. The Welsummer surprised me because I'd had more roos from that breed that were just wonderful, and GORGEOUS.

I read an excellent article here that explained how to work with roosters at a young age to teach them to respect your personal space. I read it and plan to change the way I've been working with them up until now. If I find it I'll post it for you here.
We also have lots of coyotes here. People all around me have all sorts of livestock as well as outdoor cats and dogs, so coyotes are hunted year round here. I've seen their markings in my yard and my dogs always leave their mark. I've seen their footprints in the snow in winter. They are here, but so far none have attempted to breach my security, thank the Lord.

I agree that roosters should not be aggressive toward humans. The only aggressive roosters I've had were a Silver Spangled Hamburg and a Welsummer. The Welsummer surprised me because I'd had more roos from that breed that were just wonderful, and GORGEOUS.

I read an excellent article here that explained how to work with roosters at a young age to teach them to respect your personal space. I read it and plan to change the way I've been working with them up until now. If I find it I'll post it for you here.
Yes, please link it for me if you happen to find it. I'm digging around reading a bunch of stuff and would love to add that to my list. Thanks!

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