Help please-dead chicken

Lynn Manes

6 Years
Mar 18, 2015
I just found my favorite Delaware hen, Henrietta, lying dead on the coop floor. I checked her over and saw no obvious signs like egg bound or damage. However I noticed yesterday she kept sitting down which seems to be a usual sign something isn't quite right, but then she got up and foraged with the others and seemed fine last night. Only other thing I noticed was that the feathers on her head and neck were very very yellow. We've done nothing different except that I am slowly changing their grain from store bought to homemade gluten free grains as of 3 days ago. We want to drive her up to Tulare tomorrow for a necropsy. Can someone please give me the address, name of institution, & phone number for there? This will be the first time we'd like to use a free California University necropsy service and we only live an hour south of Tulare.
Also I bagged her and put her in a refrigerator. Is that the right thing to do with her? Thanks in advance for help anyone can offer me tonight.
The necropsy report came back today. Our Delaware,Henrietta died from pneumonia.I was shocked. I spoke to the vet after the UC Davis report. I told him she was such a robust hen and didn't seem sick except to be a bit lethargic for a little while the day before. He told me not to beat myself up over this. That she could have inhaled a "bug" while eating; and chickens, bc they are not oredatory animals will hide that they are sick, so it's usually too late by the time we know. I am so thankful for this group. We would never have known about the work UC Davis does had I not joined BYC. The vet was so kind and helpful in so many other ways too, as I've been on a thread about gluten free feed for fowl and meal worms and had brought up to him that I have been making my own chicken feed & meal comprised only of gf grains.Problem is, now I can't find the threads on here to pass on the advice he gave me, & I know I'm not the only one here that wants to know about how what we feed our fowl makes a diffence if we are gluten intolerant. So if anyone can tell me how to find that forum I'd sure appreciate it. I'm sad we lost our Henrietta, but thankfully the rest of our flocks are safe and in no danger.
Is this the thread you are looking for?
Go to the top of this page to Search discussions, reviews, and articles, and enter "how to send a bird for a necropsy" for a thread by Casportpony that has a lot of info. Sorry for your loss.
The necropsy report came back today. Our Delaware,Henrietta died from pneumonia.I was shocked. I spoke to the vet after the UC Davis report. I told him she was such a robust hen and didn't seem sick except to be a bit lethargic for a little while the day before. He told me not to beat myself up over this. That she could have inhaled a "bug" while eating; and chickens, bc they are not oredatory animals will hide that they are sick, so it's usually too late by the time we know. I am so thankful for this group. We would never have known about the work UC Davis does had I not joined BYC. The vet was so kind and helpful in so many other ways too, as I've been on a thread about gluten free feed for fowl and meal worms and had brought up to him that I have been making my own chicken feed & meal comprised only of gf grains.Problem is, now I can't find the threads on here to pass on the advice he gave me, & I know I'm not the only one here that wants to know about how what we feed our fowl makes a diffence if we are gluten intolerant. So if anyone can tell me how to find that forum I'd sure appreciate it. I'm sad we lost our Henrietta, but thankfully the rest of our flocks are safe and in no danger.

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