Help, please! Do I have to throw out all my eggs? I fed...


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
One of my hens had a sucking sound in her throat.

Two days ago I found a bag of medicated crumbles. It is called Aureomycin. It says it is for chickens, not chicks. I don't know what my chicken has, but I thought these crumbles would be a good prevention for the whole flock against the diseases they list - CRD and air sac infection caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Escherichia coli susceptible to Chlortetracycline. Chlortetracycline is the active main ingredient. Other ingredients listed are roughage products, processed grain by-products, forage products, magnesium mica, calcium carbonate, cane molasses, vegetable oil and sodium bentonite.

When I posted this earlier in a thread titled "1 yo hen wet sucking sound." chookchick replied "Medicated crumbles is NOT what you want--that is a feed for young chicks, has amprolium which if for cocci resistance. If you feed that, you will need to throw out all their eggs for as long as you feed, and two weeks after." (thank you, Chookchick). I am hoping that the crumbles that chookchick mentioned are different from the ones I fed my flock.

There is no warning on the bag that the medicated crumbles would adversely affect the eggs.

I really would like to know if I should toss my eggs for the next two weeks and throw away the feed I've already mixed.

Please let me know if we can eat our eggs. Thank you!
the medicine is transferred into the egg, if someone is allergic to that antibiotic the eggs would be dangerous to them- otherwise don't worry about it.

I think that stuff is 'sulfa' many people are allergic to sulfa drugs.
Aureomycin crumbles are exactly what you want. When most people say "medicated crumbles" they mean medicated chick starter, which is only for coccidia. You can't sell you eggs while the hens are on antibiotics, but your family can eat them as long as nobody has allergies. If you want to be safe toss the eggs for a week or 2 after you stop feeding the medicated feed.
you could always call a vet's office couldn't you ?
search online for that anti- biotic and see if anyone in your family is allergic to it, and then decide.
But I would not sell any eggs for a couple/ three weeks after you have removed that from their feed.
Thank you for all your timely replies! I have been worried. We hadn't eaten any of the eggs from the past few days. I was wondering if it was safe. I think I'll let the flock finish the portion in the mixed feed - prbably 2 or 3 days worth and then discontinue feeding them the medicated feed. I was only trying to help one hen and prevent disease in all of them. I'll always come here first for advice before I try anything like this again!
Lesson learned!
You guys are GREAT!!

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