Help please! My duck has been showing abnormal behaviour

Thats a good idea, ill definitely try calling up in the morning prior as he really doesnt respond well to foreign items and especially not trips anywhere.

Thank you for the information thread, ill be sure to check that out and talk to the vet for further guidance and recommendations if they have any.

Unfortunately i dont have any of those supplies or fluid bags as i have been fortunate enough to never have any of these serious issues with my ducks over the past 6 years. Rather with this drake in general hes always been healthy and energetic with an insatiable appetite in comparison to my other whose had mild injuries and bumblefoot in the past.

Wanted to mention, the idea of tube feeding a duck scares a LOT of people, but its quite easy, I've done it quite a few times, had to do a drake last night actually.

Everyone has their own preference, but this is how I go tubing.

Wanted to mention, the idea of tube feeding a duck scares a LOT of people, but its quite easy, I've done it quite a few times, had to do a drake last night actually.

Everyone has their own preference, but this is how I go tubing.

If im honest, im definitely terrified of tube feeding as im a bit squeamish and seeing them go through any discomfort makes me sadder than anything else. Ill most likely get my brother to assist me if and when i have to go through this.

Is there any way to ensure that youre definitely going down the right hole and not down the airway? Will they react violently and if so is there anything we can do?

Im sorry for the many questions and bother :( i just want to make sure i have all bases covered to feel confident enough when its time
If im honest, im definitely terrified of tube feeding as im a bit squeamish and seeing them go through any discomfort makes me sadder than anything else. Ill most likely get my brother to assist me if and when i have to go through this.

Is there any way to ensure that youre definitely going down the right hole and not down the airway? Will they react violently and if so is there anything we can do?

Im sorry for the many questions and bother :( i just want to make sure i have all bases covered to feel confident enough when its time

The size of the tube you'll be using with him, it would be very hard to accidentally go down the trachea, keep your hand on the side of his neck and you should feel the tube going down to his crop, if it went down the trachea you wouldn't be able to feel the tube. If you went down the trachea he'd likely start panicking a bit.

The size of the tube you'll be using with him, it would be very hard to accidentally go down the trachea, keep your hand on the side of his neck and you should feel the tube going down to his crop, if it went down the trachea you wouldn't be able to feel the tube. If you went down the trachea he'd likely start panicking a bit.

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Thank you that is very comforting to know as that was my biggest concern
I just wanted to attach some better photos of the feather issue, i feel as though this is something related as now half of his face appears more swollen than the other half. Hes also shutting his eye more on that side :(

I also noticed that his tail was a bit dirtier than the rest of his body which led me to seeing something dark and red? It looked as though he was injured. Which might explain part of this. With that said, im still noticing that hes been refusing to sit and cannot scratch (?) Or well groom his underside or head against his wings due to balance. He can extend his neck though! It looks to be more that hes choosing not to for whatever reason.

As for his appetite, it actually seems like hes able to eat just as much? Its just that he cant extend his neck downwards enough and once he raises, the food tends to drop out. Ive tried watching over him eat with the food raised level against where his bill ends and hes eating and drinking much better now! If he continues to struggle though, i will definitely start tube feeding.

I just wanted to continue to post photos and updates here in case someone comes along with the same issue or solution :)


The next picture is the top of his head. You can see these thick strands growing all over his head and neck and some parts of his body (near his tail). it looked to be similar to that of molt at first but its getting excessive to the point where we have to remove some developed feathers ourselves so as to stay away from his eyes.

You can see how swollen my poor baby looks :( the eyes appear fully "sunken" in

And it *may* somehow be related to how he's acting, but its not the first priority here. The first priority, is to correct and prevent him from getting dehydrated and underweight. A bird gets dehydrated, there system/organs start to shut down, the disease/condition progress, and they die.

Have you got any tube feeding supplies yet? Have you called the vet yet?
Yeap i am making sure of that!

Unfortunately i havent gotten the tube feeding supplies yet as i will be relying on my local vets for that. I called up the vet but received no reply, they may be closed right now due to covid :( ive sent an email requesting assistance and am hoping to hear back from them soon
Yeap i am making sure of that!

Unfortunately i havent gotten the tube feeding supplies yet as i will be relying on my local vets for that. I called up the vet but received no reply, they may be closed right now due to covid :( ive sent an email requesting assistance and am hoping to hear back from them soon

Yeah, you’ll need a scale, a syringe (60/35ml), some Parrot Baby Hand Feeding Formula, and a tube. The tube will be the hardest to find, your vet office should have some, but if they don’t or you can't get to them, try any wildlife rehab center, any human medical store, or as a final option you can get some aquarium tubing from a pet store, you’ll just have to melt the tip down until smooth.

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