Help* please! What to feed hen?


8 Years
May 6, 2011
My BO (17 mo old) stopped laying a couple weeks ago, started laying around a lot and is limping. Her limping is improving but she will not eat her food. I've been keeping her alive by feeding bread, grapes, fruit. I gave her ACV water. She does drink fine.
She lays around most of the day. She is losing weight and dwindling away.
What can I feed her? Am I just prolonging her death? I have another post about it somewhere.
I'd try giving her some of those livestock and chicken vitamins mixed with electrolytes. The electrolytes won't hurt a thing and the vitamins might help her. Try making a paste out of her normal food and see if she'll eat some of that, too.
When my hen aren't feeling great, They get electrolyte water and then a mixture of foods. The first day I do oatmeal mixed with chick start for the high protein content along with unsweeted apple sauce and honey. If she eats that I continue until she's feeling better, then slowly mix her normal food for the chick starter and then slowly ommit the oatmeal. Make sure she gets the vitamins like the person before said.
Thanks, I read your replies. We gave her watermelon, bread, and scrambled egg. She isn't interested in the egg very much, she took a few very tiny bites. She eats the melon. I couldn't get to town for a store today, so I used what I had.

Oh and I tried sprinkling food in there and wetting it. She's not interested.
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I don't know if this will help but I have fed my chickens termits from my compost heap. they love them, and they have never been sick in the twelve months I have had them. My grandfather used to feed them to his chickens when they were sick, didn't seem to matter what was wrong, he just gave them a big handful of termites and they would be fine in a day or two. Just make sure that the termites have not been muching on any treated wood.

Good Luck
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