Help please, When to move new mom and chicks???

Sorry about the mishap and the chick.I just moved my broody and her chicks tonight after work.They had hatched out sometime during the nite.They are still abit wobbley.I took mom and babies at made a nest in the doglo that I have in the coop.I fed mom and gave her water as she sat on the babies she was so thankful!! She drank alot and ate alot too.Hope she stays there all nite.Last week I did the same with my other broody and her 3 chicks they are all doing welll.Seems it takes the babies about 3-4 days before they get the hang of eating,drinking and chasing mom.

Went out this morning and have two little fuzzy buttts under mom, boy they are tiny. This was her first time and mine as well, and considering the timing I only gave her 3 eggs, so I am pleased, a fourth egg snuck in sometime along the way but I'm not sure when or which one it was so it is still in there, I guess I will leave both of the extras with her a few more days.
I am very interested in this thread as I have 2 banty's sitting on a few eggs each this is day 6.
They are in the same situation in nest boxes 3 ft off the floor I think I will move them before they hit day 17 or so. I was wondering if I get chick starter is it ok if the moms eats it too.
I've been bringing them food and water so they don't have to get off the nests
Yes, it's fine for the mom to eat the chick starter. I think it would be wise to move her before the chicks start hatching.

NEWARK ROOSTER...Congratulations!! That's awesome. So, have you moved them to their new digs now?
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Move the hen and the chicks and the rest of the eggs when you have a chick out of the egg and fluffy. Put up some sort of barrier to keep the little one in the nest box until he dries.

I had one that fell out of the nest box and was pecked to death by the rest of the hens. Sometimes I do not understand chicken behaviour. Mayve theie was something wrong with the chick or maybe the hen thought there was becuase it was out away from mom.
I am at work right now (Teacher), had to leave before daylight and it was awfully cold here this morning. I have second coop ready and waiting but thought I would wait until afterschool when it will be a lot warmer to move, supposed to be 55 here today as opposed to 22 this morning.
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went home and checked on everybody during lunch and all is well still two fuzzy's and two eggs mom is good.
Got everybody moved to new coop and all is well still two chicks and two other eggs
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