Help please!


In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2020
Good evening everyone!!!
I'm in need of some advice with one of my Pekin Ducks. I woke up this morning to one of my ducks with the left side of the feathers like this. He/she doesn't walk the best to begin with as its leg on that side is bowed and curled inward more but today since the feathers are looking like this, he/she really isn't moving the best. I've since brought him/her in and his eating and drinking is still great as well as he is up and moving but the side those feathers are on seems to be causing some agitation. He won't even lay on that side. There's no way at night's any predators can get them and his oil gland looks good with no mites ect. I called my vet but unfortunately they don't treat ducks. Any help please guys would be greatly appreciated!!!


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Welcome to BYC. Sorry to hear about your duck.

Could we see some pictures of her feet, and a video of her trying to walk? To post a video you'll need to upload it a video platform like Yotube or vimeo, then copy/paste the link here.

Just a few questions, I hope you can answer them all because it lets up help you with more efficiency.

How old is she? What is she being fed? Has she had any problems in the past? Have you felt up and down her legs for signs of swelling, warm spots, discoloration, or signs of Bumblefoot? How does her abdominal area feel? Have you done a full-body physical examination, checking in her mouth, wings, near the vent, etc?
Welcome to BYC. Sorry to hear about your duck.

Could we see some pictures of her feet, and a video of her trying to walk? To post a video you'll need to upload it a video platform like Yotube or vimeo, then copy/paste the link here.

Just a few questions, I hope you can answer them all because it lets up help you with more efficiency.

How old is she? What is she being fed? Has she had any problems in the past? Have you felt up and down her legs for signs of swelling, warm spots, discoloration, or signs of Bumblefoot? How does her abdominal area feel? Have you done a full-body physical examination, checking in her mouth, wings, near the vent, etc?
Good morning Issac and thank you for responding. The issue is not her foot. I got her from TSC when they first got them in and she was barely alive than. One of her feet is deformed so as she was growing,I started heroin Nutridrench ect. They now get Purina crumbles. I posted a picture of the feather because like I had posted...its her Wing that's damaged, not the deformed foot. So no bumblefoot here, I'm more concerned of a broken wing that looks like something tried to get it or some further more deficiency in her diet. I did post photos of how the wing looks with coloring and how its dry/broken off almost crumbly looking. It is only on one side. She holds the wing closer to the body and as you go to examine that wing..she becomes irritable because it's clear its causing some sort of discomfort. She definitely does not want you examining that wing.
The coloring of the wing is not too concerning to me, the rattled look is likely due to her not bathing in water very often. What I'm more concerned about is her odd posture. Did this problem just be come noticeable, or has it been going on for a while? Does the wing extend out completely, or does she appear into much stress to let you do so?
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You gave her Heroin?

The coloring of the wing is not too concerning to me, the rattled look is likely due to her not bathing in water very often. What I'm more concerned about is her odd posture. Did this problem just be come noticeable, or has it been going on for a while? Does the wing extend out completely, or does she appear into much stress to let you do so?
No. I'm replying from a mobile device so I apologize for typos. I had started * HER ON Nutridrench not Herion!. The coloring does not bother me either, how it looks simply in a matter of one night does. Their feathers have never looked like that. Dry,brittle and crumbles. Her posture in that picture again goes to the fact that she has a deformed leg from either TSC getting some that were over bred, lacking nutrients ect. She was barely alive when I got her, when I say that I mean she was laid out being bullied in the stores tub. I picked her so that i can fight to get a normal life regardless of a deformed leg. Understand now? I'm not concerned with her limp because that's normal, that hasn't affected her life. This wing, is. She keeps it close to her and it causes discomfort. You go to examine it and she try's to move your hand away. For the years I've been working with any other animals but a duck..that's pain and discomfort. My question is what can I do? Nothing more, nothing less
"I started her on..." looks like "I started heroin..." to my spellchecker, too! Same spellchecker that turns my Nankins into "Mankind"!
I'm glad a person is given the benefit of the doubt on a person who has a simple typo that's now being questioned on giving a animal heroin. Nice!!!
I apologize if I offended you by my question, that was not my intent. However odd it may seem, there are times when owners think its a good idea to give their animal drugs like Marijuana/alcohol. I can sense the hostility in your text, and that's understandable given what you're dealing with, just realize we are taking the time out of our day to help you. We are not vets, if you think this is a serious problem you should contact a vet in your area. In most case's its hard to help over the internet because we're not able to physically examine, the duck, etc. We're trying to learn as much as we can about your her, so we can suggest proper treatment. My ultimate goal here is to help the duck, and I believe we share that same goal (?)

However, much discomforts it's going to cause her, you need to grab her, get another helper if needed, and examine the wing, see if it bends at the joints properly, see if there is any swelling or abnormal warm spots, etc.

If you don't want to do that I can suggest a very basic treatment you can do for her, but it doesn't address the underlying cause of her problem by any means.
Okay, if she doesn't want you to move or touch her wing, I think you have two choices.

One is to hope she can heal on her own (a sprain or some muscle problem), and give her a quiet place to recuperate, with food and water close enough to reach without effort.

The second is to examine her wing despite her objections, starting by touching gently, not extending it, and see if it feels like the other wing. You're looking here for a broken bone or a swelling or an open wound. If no difference is obvious, other than her discomfort, option one may be the best treatment. If you do find a broken bone, swelling, or wound, you could try calling around to see if you have a wildlife rescue group in your area. They usually have someone who has experience with birds. Also if there is a bird or parrot club, or a zoo or bird shop, they may be able to recommend someone.

An open wound can be cleaned with saline solution, which you can make, yourself, one teaspoon to 2 cups of tap water, microwaved until all the salt can be stirred into the solution, then cooled to room temperature.

Setting a broken bone is difficult in birds. If that's the problem and you cannot get advice from a bird person, I would go with option one, which is essentially supportive care. Birds have remarkable recuperative powers. Supportive care (quiet resting spot, food, and water) may be all she needs for a good recovery.
Isaac 0 is right about the warm spots, which can indicate infection, and might require an antibiotic.

I do think you should start by feeling the wing first, instead of extending it. The next step would be to see if the joints move correctly, but that may not be needed if you find the problem is a break or a wound.

Best of luck, and keep us posted!

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