Help! Polish chick crooked neck


9 Years
Jul 13, 2012

This is a polish chick only about 48 hours old started tilting its head a little bit at first and today I noticed the chick completely tilted its head unnaturally and sometimes almost all the way around and walking backwards and in circles although he/she seems to be eating and drinking ok for now and the other 3 chicks seem to be leaving him alone but it is so scary looking and not normal.. from what Ive read so far could be this wry/crook next. WHAT do I do?? Will this chick make it??? PLEASE help!
i had a hen she was like 12 months old and she just died today and she was like this .. will it turn its head like upside down top of its head is upside down and its neck is up ?? if you get what i mean
Yes it keeps it tilted and then sometimes turns it almost all the way around almost backwards angled and wobbles around in circles almost confused
Yes it keeps it tilted and then sometimes turns it almost all the way around almost backwards angled and wobbles around in circles almost confused
okay well thats not good my hen was just like this she lived for a while but with in a month she started doing this with the neck and she ate and drank fine but her neck got worse and worse and then finally today she passed away my friend had a hen like this to and she said that was her first ever time killing one of her birds so she said it was better that my hen passed away but maybe someone knows a way to help this but all i know is if its like mine then it will die with in a month unless someone can help you out sorry for the chick and for me not being able to help you out much

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