HELP Prolapse vent ? i am not sure?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
We have just purchased a silkie bantam that is 2 years old, when getting it home we noticed it has this huge mess around the vent. The vent is next to the growth, this looks very bad to us but when we called the previous owner they advised it was just the feathers had fallen out and it was normal. Is this the case or is it a serious problem ? All help gratefully appreciated thanks.
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OMG I have never seen that before. I hope someone knows what that may be. Could she have been pecked?
I hope someone gets on here soon who knows
Thanks for your message, we think it looks very bad too! but the owner is saying it is normal. I hope we get more responses. Thanks
This is not normal and I hope you have kept her separated so she does not cause problems for your flock.

First, she needs a shallow belly bath to loosen the material and so you can get a better look. All you need is warm water and I hope you will be prepared with lots of rags/towels to get her dry. keep her warm.

Now. I don't see a prolapse, is there anything else I can't see in the photo?

What I suspect is that you have a hen with problems. I'll list some of the possibilities:

01. She is self-plucking, possibly due to lice/mite infestation

02. She is having laying problems

03. She has been fed improperly and has been in improperly kept facilities.

After you bathe her and she is extra warm and bone-dry, I would treat for lice/mites.

Do not put this hen in your flock. Other problems may emerge- she should be on her own for 30 days.
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Thank you very much for all your information. We only bought the chicken yesterday. Very disappointing when you buy chickens that are ill. We know for next time now. The photo was taken after a warm bath so it was worse before. Horrible.

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