Help! Prolapsed uterus.


10 Years
Jun 14, 2009
I'm sitting here with my little black naked neck wrapped in a towel post bath. I tried honey--nothing. I got gloves and tried pushing it back in, but she cried and pushed with all her might to get it back in. I'm keeping her isolted and putting egg shell flour in her feed and trying to keep her clean, but is there any hope?
OK,I am not sure if this is working but, I also have a badly prolapse RIR in a pen in the house right now with a VERU bad prolapse. She has gotten better every day for 3 and a half days now. Today for the first time she is eating and drinking on her own..So here goes,I looked at some very useful posts and used a combination of treatments,here it is..Once or twice a day I put a few inches of warm water and about 5 tablespoons of Olive oil in the sink. Then I get a plate and mix together 1 tablespoon of honey,a good squeeze of tripple antibiotic gel(like3 inches of gell and about half as much preperation H(an inch and a half) .. OK mix that together into a goo combo(use your finger it will just stick to a spoon and then you have less gel.OK so I get my hen with a towel wrapped around her head and wings and legs,so just vent and tail are sticking out. I trimed her feathers around the vent and on the tail, because they retained to much gel/honey and poo. so then U turn her belly up under my arm with a towel wrapped around her head legs and body.Stuck her butt over the sink and take a coffee cup and just pour, and pour and pour the warm oil and water over her for like 7 or 8 minutes. The towel kinda puts her to sleep and she seems to appericiate the warm running water on her booboo..after this and the area looks cleaned off and you can see that the poo and anything els is removed,put the gel/honey/prep H concction all over the prolapse,all around the outside of it to. She is so relaxed from the bath that it(the prolapse) is able to push right back in. I have to us my ring finger to push it all of the way in and make sure that it is in far enough,You will know because you can feel the back of her womb on the tip of your finger..OK then I keep her upside down and wrapped up (head too) for like ten minutes while the goo is working.. So how has all of this worked for me. Well her prolapse is about a third in size as before and just today she has started eating and drinking on her own.. We were force feeding her before...I hope this helps...PS I am in Grimes county Tx you can call me if you like,myname is Amy 281 382 0465

Here is my Hera in all her regal beauty (ok, you have to have an adoration of Naked Necks to appreciate). Thanks, Amy for the detailed response, and thanks to you all for the support. She, unfortunately, is looking no better today. (I'll try your suggestions right after this, Amy). Is there a difference between a prolapsed uterus and a prolapsed vent? I don't think she looks as bad as some of these pictures, but one of our other hens died two weeks ago from some prolapse. I found her dead under the roosts, so I guess they pecked her, but it didn't look like it. (I was able to handle it until I had to break it to the kids and had three sobbing children for the next half hour).

At the moment I'm isolating Hera and keeping her in the basement with just a 40 watt bulb in the corner (hoping to prevent laying for now.) She laid TWO eggs yesterday, which I didn't think chickens could even do. One was a regular egg, the second was one of those squishy membrane eggs. I've added ground up egg shells and oyster shell to her feed to up her calcium.

Some of these posts make it sound like this too will pass, but I just lost one to this same sort of thing and I'm wondering if the only conclusions people post are the good ones. How long before I know what direction she'll go? Is it okay that she pushes it out all the farther when I try to wash the poop off? Am I not pushing far enough if it just keeps popping out? I feel like I'm torturing her. (And she gives me reason to believe it with her squawking).

Here's the ugliness of it all:

In that picture it looks like she has an egg stuck. Put olive oil or mineral oil on a gloved finger and see if she has an egg stuck in there. Either oil should help her move the egg, if there is one stuck, as will the added calcium you've added.

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