Help purple combs and having cocci


11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Is that the normal thing? my meat birds are 7 weeks old and they got cooci I did treat them with Sulmet like the feed store said too but i have 1 roo with purple looking comb and butt it has been like that for almost a week he seems to eat and drink but then he looks cold and just sits there I lost 2 meat birds today seemed to have cocci and they were purple after they died, should I just kill them now and get it over with I hate seeing them this way
For meat birds, it is not unusual for purple combs and sudden heart failure. I would guess that is what is causing your deaths. I probably wouldn't wait much longer to butcher if that is your intention.
But they aren't very big too me but the one with the purple comb is the biggest one maybe 4 lbs at most
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yeah, 4 lbs is not very big. If they have cocci, then it is possible some are worse than others and dying. Are they still on the sulmet?
No it said to ween them off from starting day one,should I put them back on ?? also someone else got meat birds at the same time i did and their are not much bigger if they are any bigger than mine and she didn't get cocci like I did she thinks they just not bred right or for some reason they not growing like they should she also go some earlier in the spring and she said they were 2x as big as these at this age Mmmmm i have no idea these were my 1st and probably my last meat birds I just was soooo un- prepared and I had no idea how much work they are compared to my chickens between the pooping and the flying breaking their necks I lost 3 to flying into the wall from a window.

Thanks I need all the help Ican get.
How many days were they on it and at what dosage?

The bottle states 2 tablespoons per gallon of water for 2 days, then reduce to 1 tblsp for 4 more days. This does require a 10 day withdrawal before slaughter as well.

If you did this and it doesn't seem to be working, it could be a strain of cocci that sulmet won't work on. You could try Corid or Albon as an alternative med. I don't know the withdrawal on those off the top of my head though.
Yhep that's what I did and kept weaning it down until non was in the water total day they where on it was 8 or 9 days I might have only did one tsp for 3 days that what the feed store told me to do then I weaned them down should I start again the slaughter date is Oct 18th I went 10 weeks
Mine had Cocci and I didn't even know it--no real signs. I think because I gave them yogurt at least once a week it really helped keep them healthy.

I also give Polyvisol in it.

I just got done treating mine for Cocci.
Did you lose any to cocci ? most chickens get but.. meat birds are fragile as I found out, you slaughter them at 6 to 10 weeks I was trying to raise them organic and I let them free range at 4 weeks old and it wasn't long before they had cooci. I don't know what I was thinking i should have given them medicated feed for 4 weeks they where fine until I let them outside to range. I have had cocci in my layers and yogurt and ACV worked great not a problem I had very small amount of blood in their poop which is normal, the meat birds had a lot of bloody poop. Glad to hear your chicks are fine.

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