HELP!!Quail legs are out to the side


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
I had a quail hatch this morning but it seems that it's legs are not underneath but seem to be on the side and it cn't walk. Is there a way to fix this and if not what do I do.
Thanks for any help
Sounds like splayed leg. You can see about making an aligning device for it to bring the hips back into place (do a search for "splayed leg"). While there are many here that will suggest you give extra attention, build the manacle setup, etc., I personally would cull it.

If you are hatching out several quail, make sure you have something on the hatchery floor and in the brooder they can "grip" onto when walking. It helps prevent splayed leg from happening.
Sounds like splayed leg. You can see about making an aligning device for it to bring the hips back into place (do a search for "splayed leg"). While there are many here that will suggest you give extra attention, build the manacle setup, etc., I personally would cull it.

If you are hatching out several quail, make sure you have something on the hatchery floor and in the brooder they can "grip" onto when walking. It helps prevent splayed leg from happening.

I found the fastest way is to have a very good sharp pair of scissors and take it's head right off. It may sound morbid but it's the fastest way without causing the bird pain or suffering. Good luck
I always just gripped their head between one thumb and forefinger and the body in the other hand in the same way and pulled until I felt the neck snap, let go of the body, swing it in a couple circles and dispose of it. It's easier not to look, and try to have a nonshalant(spelling?) additude to put it out of your head. Culling is probably one of if not the hardest part of raising birds, for me, but once in a while it has to be done.
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This is my general way to incubator/brooder cull chicks. For dispatching larger/adult birds, I use a variation of Rittert3's suggestion.

To the OP....The best way to correct "splayed leg" is to avoid it. #1. Do not bust chicks out before they are ready to hatch. #2. Do not hatch or brood them on slick surfaces. #3. Don't over crowd chicks in an incubator or brooder.

In many cases "splayed leg" Early onset,will correct itself when the chick is placed in an ideal condition. (Under crowded in a properly equipped brooder on a proper surface.) A 3 day old with the condition is a goner.

Best of luck to you, no matter what route you choose.
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I have used the gogurt yogurt containers with shelf liner in the bottom they are the tiny containers for kids I take the chicks out a coupla times a day and water and feed them but the container is so narrow it forces the chick to push themselves up this has to be done before the second day
Sometimes they overcome the leg issue though. I had a few chicks started as splays and I moved them to proper bedding and the problem fixed itself. It really depends on the degree in which the splay is however. I am sorry hun.
Wow I don't think I can cull the little guy that just sounds horrible. How do I fix this it should have a chance to live unless that is cruel. I don't know what to do?? I have helped him to drinnk but how do you help it to eat. I did do the band thing but he wont hold himself up. Am I being cruel to keep him alive????
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