Help quail not moving


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2023
Today I check in on my quail she was doing fine I just check in on her right now and she’s not moving she opening and closing her mouth.
Sorry to hear she died.
Have you ever butchered a quail?
I'm sorry your quail died.
I am having the same emergency this morning.
Of 3 adult coturnix hens, one is suddenly in distress.
She cannot stand or walk, but falls over and flails helplessly when she tries. I found her huddling. Her breaths have gone from gasping to rapid panting. She took water at first but now refuses or can't. I put her in a heated blanket at first but removed it in case it was making it worse.
I don't know what clues may be important and what's irrelevant, and I don't want to fill a page with irrelevant details while I watch Boysenberry die.
There are no bird vets in my county, and I doubt she'll survive the day let alone the weekend.
Any advice is appreciated, thank you
Update: she died later that day. Unusual evidence has been found. There was an absolutely monstrous egg in the coop, and though it could have been anybody's, it's easily twice the size of the biggest quail egg I've ever seen. Surprised it was even able to pass. I can't open her up, I'd barely know what to do, so I can't say what the fatal problem was, just guessing, and now wondering how to prevent it in the future. (I would have all my girls on deslorelin, but the vets won't do it, and oh boy have I begged)

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