help! question on integrating


11 Years
May 4, 2008
Can you add adult hens to a flock of 6 week olds? if there are only 2 new chickens (maybe 2 females or maybe one of each) will they do OK?
Someone locally is selling phoenix and yokohamas and I'd love to get a pair. my flock outside is 11 6 1/2 week olds. Will the new chickens pick on my babies? I was hoping because the 11 have been together that there'd be strength in numbers. The birds I would be getting are over a year old.
I am in a simuliar situation.. I have 23 six week olds and am going to put them to free range with the adults soon.
The way Ive done it with great success before is to put them in a large cage in the chicken yard.. and let them be there a few days while the adult chickens come to eat and check them out. Then when I let the little ones out they are hardly noticed.
Putting them in the chicken house at night IS NOT THE BEST IDEA. it causes war.
good luck to u and me.. jdypat
The only thing is I want to introduce 2 adult birds to an existing flock of babies, so kind of opposite of what usually happens, has anyone else done this?
What I had to do is section them off for about a week. You know, where they can see each other and get used to each other. Or you can put them together when you can sit and watch them.

Anyone have any more suggestions.

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